Biografi Natasha Wilona Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Biografi natasha wilona dalam bahasa inggris
1. Biografi natasha wilona dalam bahasa inggris
Natasha Wilona
Natasha Wilona was born on December 15, 1998 in Jakarta. Natasha Wilona is Christian, Natasha has a height 166 cm.
Natasha Wilona have a sister. Her sister named Claresta Federica. Natasha Wilona's favorite food is Pizza. Her favorite beverage is Starbucks. Natasha Wilona Hobbies are swimming and dance. Natasha Wilona's favorite color are Light Blue and Pink. Her favorite Indonesian artist is Agnes Monica. Natasha Wilona ever won the "Best Actress Companion" in 2013Natasha's fans called Wilikeit that have meaning Wilona Like It.
artinya :
Natasha Wilona
Natasha Wilona lahir pada tanggal Desember,15, 1998 di Jakarta. Natasha Wilona beragama Kristen, Natasha mempunyai tinggi 166 cmNatasha Wilona mempunyai kakak perempuan. Kakak Perempuannya bernama Claresta Federica. Makanan favorit Natasha Wilona adalah Pizza. Minuman Favoritnya adalah Starbucks. Hobbi Natasha Wilona yaitu renang dan dance. Warna favorit Natasha Wilona yaitu Biru Muda dan Pink. Artis Indonesia favoritnya adalah Agnes Monica. Natasha Wilona pernah memenangkan penghargaan "Aktris Pendamping Terbaik" pada tahun 2013Fansnya Natasha bernama Wilikeit yang mempunyai arti Wilona Like It
2. biografi natasha wilona dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahnya dan singkat
Natasha Wilona was born on December 15, 1998 in Jakarta. Natasha Wilona is Christian, Natasha has aheight 166 cm.Natasha Wilona have a sister. Her sister named Claresta Federica. Natasha Wilona's favorite food is Pizza. Her favorite beverage is Starbucks. Natasha Wilona Hobbies are swimming and dance. Natasha Wilona's favorite color are Light Blue and Pink. Her favorite Indonesian artist is Agnes Monica. Natasha Wilona ever won the "Best Actress Companion" in 2013 Natasha's fans called Wilikeit that have meaning Wilona Like It
artinya :
Natasha Wilona lahir pada tanggal Desember,15 1998 di Jakarta. Natasha Wilona beragama Kristen, Natasha mempunyai tinggi 166 cm Natasha Wilona mempunyai kakak perempuan. Kakak Perempuannya bernama Claresta Federica. Makanan favorit Natasha Wilona adalah Pizza. Minuman Favoritnya adalah Starbucks. Hobbi Natasha Wilona yaitu renang dan dance. Warna favorit Natasha Wilona yaitu Biru Muda dan Pink. Artis Indonesia favoritnya adalah Agnes Monica. Natasha Wilona pernah memenangkan penghargaan "Aktris Pendamping Terbaik" pada tahun 2013Fansnya Natasha bernama Wilikeit yang mempunyai arti Wilona Like It
maaf kalau salah ^^Natasha Wilona is an Indonesian young actress. She was born on December 15, 1998 in Jakarta. Natasha Wilona's Religion is Christian, Her height is about 166 cm.Natasha Wilona have a sister. Her sister name is Claresta Federica. Natasha Wilona's favorite food is Pizza. And She also likes Starbucks too. Natasha Wilona's Hobbies are swimming and dance. Her favorite color are Light Blue and Pink. Her favorite Indonesian artist is Agnes Monica. Natasha Wilona ever won the "Best Actress Companion" in 2013. Natasha's fans called Wilikeit that have meaning Wilona Like It.
Natasha Wilona adalah seorang aktris muda dari Indonesia yang lahir pada tanggal 15 Desember 1998 di Jakarta. Natasha Wilona beragama Kristen, Tingginya sekitar 166 cm. Natasha Wilona mempunyai kakak perempuan. Kakaknya bernama Claresta Federica. Makanan favorit Natasha Wilona adalah Pizza.Dan dia menyukai Starbucks juga. Hobi Natasha Wilona adalah berenang dan dance. Warna favoritnya yaitu Biru Muda dan Pink. Artis Indonesia favoritnya adalah Agnes Monica. Natasha Wilona pernah memenangkan penghargaan "Aktris Pendamping Terbaik" pada tahun 2013. Fansnya bernama Wilikeit yang mempunyai arti Wilona Like It
3. ciri ciri natasha wilona dalam bahasa inggris
female, teen, actris, multitalent, long hair, bright skin, friendly, etc
4. percakapan tentang idola(natasha willona) dalam bahasa inggris
Irene : hey wendy! what are you doing?
Wendy : oh hi Irene, i'm checking natasha willona's fanmeeting ticket
Irene : I thought you only liked kpop, so you will go to the fanmeet?
Wendy : not me, my sister is a fan, so i'm helping him.
Irene : Jane? so he is a fan of her?
Wendy : yup, in a first her semester of major he stayed at college's dorm. so I thought it would be great for her free weeks to attending natasha willona's fanmeet
Irene : she will be so happy!
Wendy : yeah i know, natasha willona is a pretty idol too
Irene : not suprising if she will hold a fanmeet, her fan would come to see her
Wendy : thats true
5. Sebutkan ciri ciri tubuh natasa wilona dengan berbahasa inggris
- she is beautiful.
- she is pointed nose.
- she has long black hair.
- she has fair skin.
- she is tall.
- she is nice .
- she has straight hair .
- she has big eyes .
6. biografi jokowidodo dalam bahasa inggris ?
Jokowi is a prominent leader of the mayor of Solo and commendable role promoting ESEMKA car . Ir . Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) is the mayor of the city of Surakarta ( Solo ) for twice the tenure 2005-2015 . vice mayor is F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo . Jokowi was born in Surakarta on June 21 , 1961. Jokowi religion is Islam . In 2012 Jokowi win elections Jakarta . Many people are optimistic with the performance of their representatives Jokowidan Ahok to improve the city of Jakarta which serawut .
7. Biografi nathasa wilona dalam bahsa inggris secara lengkap
Natasha Wilona was born on December 15, 1998 in Jakarta. Natasha Wilona is Christian, Natasha has a height 166 cm.
Natasha Wilona have a sister. Her sister named Claresta Federica. Natasha Wilona's favorite food is Pizza. Her favorite beverage is Starbucks. Natasha Wilona Hobbies are swimming and dance. Natasha Wilona's favorite color are Light Blue and Pink. Her favorite Indonesian artist is Agnes Monica. Natasha Wilona ever won the "Best Actress Companion" in 2013 Natasha's fans called Wilikeit that have meaning Wilona Like It
8. Describing people around natasha wilona pake bhs inggris.
Her full name is Natasha Wilona. She usually calls Natasha, Tasya, or Wilo. She was born on December 15, 1998 in Jakarta. She works as an actress and model.
Natasha is good looking. She has long hair, white skin, pointed nose, and round eyes. She is not really tall. It is around 166 cm.
Natasha like eating pizza. She loves it very much. Her favorite drink is Starbucks. Her favorite color is blue and pink. Her hobbies are dance and swimming.
9. biografi jokowi dalam bahasa inggris
Ir. H. Joko Widodo, who was born in Surakarta, June 21, 1961, better known by the nickname Jokowi are furniture producers and He is the Mayor of Surakarta (Solo) during the 2005-2015 term of office twice. In his tenure, he represented F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo as deputy mayor. At that time, he nominated the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. In 2012, he along with Ir. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, M.M. (Ahok) became governor and vice governor of Jakarta and later became President of Indonesia with his deputy Jusuf Kalla.
Biodata Jokowi - Joko Widodo:
Popular name: Jokowi
Full Name: Ir. Joko Widodo
Born: Surakarta, June 21, 1961
Political parties: Democratic Party of Struggle
Wife: Ny. Hj. Iriana Joko Widodo
Children: Gibran Rakabumi Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, Kaesang Pangerap
Religion: Islam - Hobby: rock music lovers
Educational Background:
- SDN 111 Tirtoyoso Solo, Solo SMPN 1, SMAN 6 Solo
- Alma mater: Faculty of Forestry UGM 1985 graduates
Occupation: Entrepreneur, Exporter Furniture, Mayor of Solo, Jakarta Governor and the President of Indonesia to-7
Small jokowi had felt the bitterness of his home when displaced. Tenement at the same place his father's timber business in the area Cinderejo Lor, evicted and be the center of travel services. The mother said that small Jokowi is the figure of the quiet, but sociable. Jokowi as a person who always succumb to avoid a fight. The attitude inherited from his parents who always taught the meaning of sincere and responsible.
Jokowi always walk to school, while the theme of cycling ontel. At that time the school is not too far from home and just walk. Devotion to parents is also demonstrated by the attitude of a number of achievements. When I became Mayor of Solo to become the Governor of Jakarta, people never thought the journey of life Joko small carpenter's son has now become the number one in Indonesia.
After graduating high school and then continued his studies at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Gajah Mada graduating in 1985, he migrated to Aceh and worked in one of the state. He returned to work at the Company's Solo and engaged in the timber, CV. Teak wheel. In 1998 he start his own business capital of experience that. With hard work, perseverance and tenacity, Jokowi finally managed to develop its business and become an exporter of furniture.
In 2005 Jokowi decided to run for Mayor of Solo with a political party PDI-P. Many doubted the ability of the man who works as a trader and garden furniture is even today elected as the Mayor of Solo. During his leadership, Solo lot of progress by the progressive breakthrough did. He took the example of the development of many cities in Europe he often visited in the framework of his business trips.
Full Name: Ir. H. Joko Widodo
Alias Name: Jokowi
Place of Birth: Surakarta, Central Java
Date of Birth: Wednesday, June 21, 1961
Zodiac: Gemini
Hobby: Reading | Traveling
Nationality: Indonesian
Political parties: the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle
Wife: Ny. Hj. Iriana Joko Widodo
Children: Gibran Rakabuming Raka - Kahiyang Ayu - Kaesang Pangarep
Alma mater: University of Gadjah Mada
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Twitter account: @ jokowi_do2
10. terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris sesuai tenses!1. Natasha akan datang ke rumahku
Natasha Will come to my house
1.Natasha will come to my house
11. buatin dong biografi diri dengan bahasa inggris
My name is Hindayani. I am from Tuban, East Java. The city of Semen Gresik and Holcim Factory. I was born in Tuban, 22nd Mei 1992. I have young brother, his name is Kukuh Prayogi. He is a strong and smart boy. My Hobby is reading and writing. I like writing a short story and a poem. I have a special dream. I want to be a writer and publish many books. Thank you for your attention.
askmeenglish (tanya gue Inggris!)
12. Biografi bahasa inggris tentang ibu
My mom named Wahyuni, she was born on September 30, 1971 from a father named Sastrokaryono Sariman, who was born on November 10, 1942 in wonogiri. And a mother named Wagiyem, born in Karanganyar on 8 July 1951. And my mother was married to a man named Ateng Indraguna.
In my childhood my mother lived in the village, the village of Geneng Kaling, Tasikmadu Subdistrict, Karanganyar Regency. My mother was a daughter of the first of the three brothers.
My mom’s first school in kindergarten in place. After 1 year in kindergarten, and forward it to the SDn Kaling 1. When my mother alwaysSD megendarai bike with other friends, and any path yet dispal so ifrain shoes carried by hand. Distance home to SD for about 2 km. my mother while studying at night using only the explanation in the form of an oil lamp. He is always playing in the garden cane with her friends.
After graduating in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL for 6 years my mother continued to Smp Tasikmadu 1. Is 7 km from home, riding a bicycle, and admission in class 1B. When it’s my mother followed the chorus,also joined the Scouts running from Tawangmangu until Karanganyar city is about 50 km, and follow the camping in Time Soro near the tomb of the President 2. And get ranked 72 out of the entire class.
My Mom’s 2nd class rolling to class c. my mother followed a race making fried rice and got 2 champion from representatives of the entire class. And following the race Scouts in Tawangmangu district level.
3rd grade my mom in rolling again into class d. my Mom already may not follow activities outside lessons again, but must follow the les that began hours to 0 i.e. at 06.30 and 07.15 additional hours up to 2 started 13.30 until 14.30. For free or no payment.
Then my mother was proceed to SMAn Kebakkramat 2. In high school my Mom was elected a member of the paskibraka and was active in the Boy Scouts. My mom majored IPS because the value of mathematics and his IPA is very small.
My mother attended to the University Eleven Maret, Negri in Surakarta. Majored in PLB (Education). Become a teacher in SLB honorary Cangaan, Karanganyar. And move to the SLB Panumbangan following her marriage to my father, and finally quit because of the bustle of the household.
And now my mom, on the sidelines of a busy, he became an insurance agent.
My mom said that learning was not surrendered by the State such as riding a bicycle, solidarity, solidarity with friends of friends, and studied with enterprising. The times when my mom used to be different to the already versatile modern now. I realize that the struggle does not deserve to be a tireless example.
13. Describing people around natasha wilona pake bhs inggris.
Natasha is good looking. She has long hair, white skin, pointed nose, and round eyes. She is not really tall. It is around 166 cm.
14. ciri ciri deskripsi natasha wilona dalam b.innris
Showing translation for Natasha wilona lahir di jakarta,15 desember 1998. Dia merupakan seorang aktris dan model. Dia pertama kali bermain di sinetron utamanya" Yang Masih di Bawah Umur" ditayangkan di RCTI dan berperan sebagai Cherry . Dia juga pernah bermain di sinetron Fortune Cookies ditanyangkan di RCTI dan berperan sebagai Atiqah .Saat ini, dia berperan sebagai Reva dalam sinetron Anak Jalanan yang ditayangkan pula di RCTI sejak 12 Oktober 2015.Natasya beragama kristen . Sebutan untuk penggemarnya adalah wilikeit artinya" wilona like it ".Dan sekarang natasya sedang menjalin kasih dengan stevan williamTranslate instead Natasya willona lahir di jakarta,15 desember 1998. Dia merupakan seorang aktris dan model. Dia pertama kali bermain di sinetron utamanya" Yang Masih di Bawah Umur" ditayangkan di RCTI dan berperan sebagai Cherry . Dia juga pernah bermain di sinetron Fortune Cookies ditanyangkan di RCTI dan berperan sebagai Atiqah .Saat ini, dia berperan sebagai Reva dalam sinetron Anak Jalanan yang ditayangkan pula di RCTI sejak 12 Oktober 2015.Natasya beragama kristen . Sebutan untuk penggemarnya adalah wilikeit artinya" wilona like it ".Dan sekarang natasya sedang menjalin kasih dengan stevan william Wilona Natasha was born in Jakarta, 15 December 1998. She is an actress and model. He first played in the main soap opera "That Still Underage" aired on RCTI and act as Cherry. He also played in the soap opera aired on RCTI Fortune Cookies and act as Atiqah .At present, he serves as Reva Street Children in the soap opera that aired on RCTI anyway since October 12 2015.Natasya all Christians. The title for fans is wilikeit means "wilona like it" .And now natasya being a love with stevan william
Maaf kalau salah...
15. biografi pattimura dalam bahasa inggris
biography of Pattimura
Semoga membantu
16. Ceritakanlah hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan Natasha Wilona kalian tersebut secara lisan di depan menggunakan pilihan kata yang menariktolong karna sekarang dikumpul
Terbit sang Mentari Menyambut dunia Nyata.
Bersalaman bagai Putri di Embun Pagi, Kuterbayang akan Sosok indah sang Putri Raja Menampakkan senyum indah Pada Pemirsa. Kilau Wajahnya Membuat Penggemarnya Makin Sayang, Berlakon Lucu Disinetron anak jalanan, Berwajah Putih Seakan Cantik Sedunia.. Dialah Natasya, seorang Permasuri yang Anggun yang Bersenandung Di hati setiap orng. Sang mentari telah terbit menyambut pagi nan ceria.
Kuterbayang akan sesosok Putri Raja yg amat cantik jelita.
Senyumnya yg manis, membuat semua orang seakan ingin terus memandangnya saja dan tak akan pernah berpaling darinya.
Disetiap kilau wajahnya membuat para penggemarnya makin menyayanginya dan makin ingin mengenalnya lebih jauh lagi.
Berlakon dalan sinetron Anak Jalanan, berwajah putih dan cantik seakan akan tidak ada yg menantanginya.
Ialah Natasya Wilona seorang putris raja yg anggun yg tinggal dihati setiap orang didunia.
17. struktur biografi dalam bahasa inggris
1. Orientation: Dari contoh teks pekenalan pendek diatas, informasi awal sangat sudah jelas yaitu mengenai seseorang yang bernama Dianiel.
2. Series of Events: Setelah menyebutkan nama, kemudian tentu akan dilajutkan apa saja peristiwa yang sudah dialaluinya.
3. Reorientation: Fase ini bersifat optional, kadang dalam suatu contoh teks recount tidak dimasukkan. Dalam contoh diatas ada impressi penulis teks sebagi penutup.
semoga terbantu! ;)Early life and career
-Family and personal life
-Books written (if any)
2 Other
3 Notes and references
4 Further reading
5External links
6 Official
18. contoh biografi bahasa inggris itu seperti bagaimana?
First,my name’s Fariz Hafdiansyah.I was born in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam at 04 December 1995.I was born from a simple family.I live in BTN PIM Mahoni street no.4.
My father works in a private company Pupuk Iskandar Muda,while my mother was a teacher.I was a first child of 3 brothers.I have one brother and one sister.Now my brother’s are studying in class 1 senior high school Dayah Modern Arun,while my sister’s are studying in primary school.
Now,i am studying in Sukma Bangsa Lhokseumawe senior high school.I have lot friends in this school.Sometimes they are a litle bit crazy,kwkwkwk.i am just kidding.Crazy in the sense of a unique and has many features.That’s why i feel at home in this school.I have many hobbies in my life that is playing futsal,playing football,playing basketball,playing volleyball and racing on the road.Okay,now let’s talk about my nature.Many say i have a hard-headed nature,meaning
not easily accept what people say if it does not fit with what i think.But maybe i did have such properties.I have a principle of life that is “Freedom in My Life”.I don’t like anyone except my parent’s arranged my life.I have a dream that is to be a chemistry professor.Cause my favorite lesson is chemistry.Sometimes people say chemistry is hard,but to me chemistry is fun.After graduation,i want to attend college in Padjadjaran University in west java,Bandung.Hopefully i pass there.Next,i have a favorite cartoon,favorite football team and favorite football player.My favorite cartoon is Patrick Star.He’s a sea star in the cartoon spengebob squarepants.Why he became to my favorite cartoon ? because he unique and sometimes stupid,but he’s very loyal to his friend. That is what makes me so admired .Next,my favorite football team is “Manchester city”.It was a great team.They have a motto “Born blue,live blue.die blue”.Now,let’s talk about my favorite player,That is Francesc Fabregas.he’s from LaMasia academy football and he’s national is Spain.Now he plays in Barcelona FC.Position he plays is Midfielder center.He also played in the Spanish national team.He was one of the talented players in the world.Okey,probably enough here about me.see you next time if we meet a later time.
19. biografi bahasa inggris dengan tense
tenses ada 16,yang dibagi 4 bagian
20. text recount my idol Natasha Wilona
Natasha Wilona was born in Jakarta, December 15, 1998 is an Indonesian actress and model. This Chinese-blooded woman first played in a serial movie Yang Masih di Dibawah Umur aired on RCTI and played as Cherry. She has also played in the another serial movie Fortune Cookies and plays the role of Atikah.
Natasha Wilona has done a lot of work to entertain millions of spectators, even she also played a person who is pregnant, her acting really actractive in the serial movie Sakinah Bersamamu, she was role as Selia. Sinemart's also realise a new serial movie entitled Anak Jalanan, in this opera Natasha Wilona role as Reva and collide acting with her own lover, that is Stefan William who acts as Boy. Natasha Wilona was still Stefan William's girlfriend but now they're breaking up and Stefan William has been married to Celine Evangelista while Natasha Wilona is rumored to be in a relationship with a handsome young actor named Verrell Bramasta.
In 2017, Natasha is currently filming for Sinemart's latest sinetorn, entitled "Siapa takut jatuh cinta", as we know that Sinemart Production House has broken contract with RCTI and now has been holding SCTV so Natasha Wilona's latest movie is now on SCTV.
Because of her acting, she was rewarded as Favorite and Slime Star actress, Indonesia KCA in 2016. That same year, she and Steven William were also crowned Pair of Terrible, Dasyatnya Awards 2016.
Unfortunately, their relationship broke up in the middle of the road.
Having popularity and a beautiful face, Natasha entered into the list of 2017 women's beautiful women candidates budgeted by TC Candler. The award of this candidate further catapulted the name of Nastahsa in the entertainment stage.
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