Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Cuaca

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Cuaca

tulislah contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang cuaca!​

1. tulislah contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang cuaca!​


John : Ema? You are soaking wet..

(Ema? Kau basah kuyup.)

Ema: Huff, the weather is so bad outside. I’m drenched.

(Huff, cuaca diluar buruk sekali. Aku sampai basah kuyup.)

John: Is really heavy rain outside?

(Apakah diluar hujan sangat deras?)

Ema: Yes, it’s terrible outside. Heavy rain and windy. Do you want to go somewhere? (Ya, buruk sekali. Hujan deras dan berangin. Apa kau ingin pergi ke suatu tempat?)

John: Yes at first. But when I saw you, I guess I’ll change my mind. (Ya, awalnya. Tapi setelah melihatmu, aku rasa aku berubah pikiran.)

Ema: I don’t think it would be better for the next hours either. The weather forecast only told me that it’s going to be rain, but not this bad. (Aku pikir cuacanya tidak akan membaik dalam beberapa jam kedepan. Ramalan cuaca hanya mengatakan bahwa hari ini akan hujan, tapi tidak seburuk ini.)

John: Don’t you bring you umbrella? (Apa kau tidak bawa payungmu?)

Ema: I did but the wind is strong and my umbrella kind useless. (Aku bawa tapi anginnya kencang dan payungku jadi tidak berguna.)

John: I want to buy some food though. I am starving. (Tapi aku ingin membeli makanan. Aku lapar.)

Ema: I bring some chips, you wanna some? Or how about delivery service? (Aku bawa keripik, kau mau? Atau bagaimana kalau layanan antar?)

John: Yeah, I think so too. Let’s order some delivery service. How about pizza? (Ya, aku berpikir begitu juga. Ayo kita pesan layanan antar. Bagaimana dengan pizza?)

Ema: Okay, hope they will make it through this weather. (Oke, kuharap mereka dapat melewati cuaca ini.)

John: I hope so. I really starving. (Aku harap begitu. Aku benar-benar sangat lapar.)


LisaHowdy Dita

Dita:Morning Lisa

Lisa:Good Weather today isn't it?

Dita:Yep,iya ia.Fresh air, good view...ah thats life...

Lisa: Yesterday sad raint and all our crops Ford

Dita:But today,the weather is sunny and the air is fresh

Lisa:I hope tomorrow's weather Will be nice and sunny

Dita:Hope So


Maaf tidak nyambung karna saya pemula

2. dialog percakapan bahasa inggris tentang cuaca

a:what the weather today

b:it is windy today

a: before monday last what the weather

b: it is rainyina : wow the weather today is nice ya din.
udin : yeah I'm glad because today I'll walk the road with my family
ina : Where are you going?
udin : to mount bromo ina..

3. percakapan 3 orang tentang cuaca bahasa Inggris​


Dini: hello Toni today weather is so cold

toni; ofcourse because today is rainy

rina: when is the weather is sunny again?

dini: i don't know

Toni:lets go home and di our homework

every one:oki bye


maaf kalau salah follow aku ya

4. contoh laporan cuaca dalam bahasa inggris Dan terjemahnya

East Jakarta in the morning is forecasted to be cloudy and in the evening will be light rain. While in the afternoon the rain will moderate. West Jakarta is predicted similar to the weather in East Jakarta.jakarta 16 april 2017
this morning is very cloudy(pagi ini sudah mendung) may expect rain 2 hours(diperkirakan akan hujan dua jam lagi)but there are still many people who are passionate activity(tapi masih banyak masyarakat yang bersemangat beraktifitas)

5. tulislah sebuah percakapan mengenai cuaca dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris​


Tony: hi Billy, where are you going?

Billy: i want to go home, it's cloudy now, where are you going?

Tony: back to home

Billy: Ok, bye-bye

Tony: bye bye

6. tolong berikan contoh laporan tentang lamaran cuaca dalam bahasa inggris?????

Weather forecast for the next several days

On Sunday: Southwest 5-10 m/s and rain or sleet but mainly dry in the east. Temperature 2 to 7 degrees C. Clearing and cooling by evening. On Monday: Southerly or variable wind 3-10 m/s and light precipitation or sleet but mainly dry in the northeast. Temperature 1 to 6 deg. C. On Tuesday: Southeast 5-10 m/s and rain or sleet all around the country. Mildest in the south. On Wednesday: Light variable wind, widely with sleet or rain, temperature 0 to 4 deg. C. Becoming northeast strong breeze and snow in the Westfjords by afternoon. On Thursday: Variable wind and looks like snow or snowshowers in most parts of the country. Temperature near freezing point. On Friday: Northerly wind and light snowshowers in the north and east but fair in the south. Light frost but temperature above freezingpoint by the south coast.

7. percakapan bahasa inggris saat aktivitas cuaca mendung​

A: Why are you bringing an umbrella?

B: Because it's cloudy today, I don't want to catch a cold because of the rain.

A: You're right.

8. contoh laporan cuaca dalam bahasa inggris tolong bgt ya

Good morning viewers, I'm (nama kamu) , and you watching Weather report at (saluran TV e.x Trans TV, BBC,etc) 
*bisa diisi juga dengan..And you're watching BBC weather report,, etc... 

This afternoon, BMG predict that (nama Kota) is (cuaca). *bisa ditambahkan himbauan... 

Contoh komplit.. 

Good Morning viewers, I'm Thomas Mc Cain and you wachting BBC's weather reports. 
Today, BMG has predicted that this afternoon, North Jakarta is cloudy, West Jakarta is cloudy too, Central Jakarta is Rainy, and South Jakarta is clear. 
Those who's going to traveling with motorcycle in Central Jakarta, we suggest to wear a Raincoat before entering rainy terrytority to prevent wetness. 
That's the Weather reports over Jakarta from us, Thank You for your attention, Have a safe trip .

9. Contoh berita singkat tentang cuaca di indonesia dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahnya

hallo,my name is is stupid. kalo gk salah yaEast Jakarta in the morning is forecasted to be cloudy and in the evening will be light rain. While in the afternoon the rain will moderate. West Jakarta is predicted similar to the weather in East Jakarta

10. Contoh laporan cuaca dalam bahasa inggris. Minimal 2 menit

This Morning at Bandung, the weather was so cold. If you mind to play outside, you can wear a jacket to protect yor body from cold.

Maaf kalau salah):

11. Contoh laporan cuaca bahasa inggris kota surakarta dan palembang

Today weather conditions in surakarta city is cloudy and foggy today in palembang weather conditions is rain and thunder storms and foggy

12. Contoh percakapan tentang cuaca

jawaban :

hari ini saya bersama andika dengan topik cuaca

stadion tv : hallo Andika

Andika : ya hari ini banjir di Jawa tengah .

stadion tv : ya bagaimana kondisi warga ?

Andika : y warga sedang mencari tempat aman karena seperti yg saya lihat rumah warga pada banjir.

stadion tv: y terima kasih atas informasinya .

Andika : ya sama²



13. contoh laporan cuaca untuk seluruh wilayah indonesia dalam bahasa inggris

Good morning viewers, I'm (nama kamu) , and you watching Weather report at (saluran TV e.x Trans TV, BBC,etc) 
*bisa diisi juga dengan..And you're watching BBC weather report,, etc... 

This afternoon, BMG predict that (nama Kota) is (cuaca). *bisa ditambahkan himbauan... 

Contoh komplit.. 

Good Morning viewers, I'm Thomas Mc Cain and you wachting BBC's weather reports. 
Today, BMG has predicted that this afternoon, North Jakarta is cloudy, West Jakarta is cloudy too, Central Jakarta is Rainy, and South Jakarta is clear. 
Those who's going to traveling with motorcycle in Central Jakarta, we suggest to wear a Raincoat before entering rainy terrytority to prevent wetness. 
That's the Weather reports over Jakarta from us, Thank You for your attention, Have a safe trip .

14. seperti apa contoh laporan cuaca cerah dalam bahasa inggris?

Today,tuesday 15 march,The weather in palembang is sunny

15. contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang cuaca, tolong bantu dong

Global Warming

First of all I would like to say thank you to the teacher and all my friend who has given me nice opportunity speech on this day, about global warming.
We know global warming is serious problem which is world well in country developing and country developed. Global warming in reason by activity human which working with machine and many factories with lot of smoke.

Global warming is a process to increase body temperature average atmosphere sea and land. Stage body temperature global settlement will to cause alteration which other except to increase volume sea water, stage weather, and etcetera. Result global warming which other influence the agriculture, and destroyed kind animal. Because All energy sources which can be ground originally with sun.

In fact This is fortunate for the natural greenhouse effect creates a climate in which life can thrive and man can live peacefull. Otherwise, the Earth would be a very frigid and inhospitable place.
On the other hand, increasing to much because of the greenhouse effect can make the temperatur very warm. and would probably bring other, sometimes deleterious changes in climate; for example, changes in precipitation, storm patterns, and the level of the oceans.
The predicted effects of global warming on the environment and for human life are numerous and varied. It is generally difficult to attribute specific natural phenomena to long-term causes, but some effects of recent climate change already be occurring. Such as Raising sea levels, glacier retreat, Arctic shrinkage, and predictions for secondary and regional effects include extreme weather events, an expansion of tropical diseases, changes in the timing of seasonal patterns in ecosystems, and drastic economic impact. Now, many political activism, agency, and acociation that together mitigate, eliminate, or adapt to it.
We can see in television that in big city very much empty region but the region used to project. However, we can use that empty region to grow the green plant. So that, we can decrease the effect of global warming. What do you choose? The profit and money or human life.???... I think it is very importent to know, because life of human in the future is in our hand now. So let we grow the plant.
Oke, I think that all . Thank You for your attention. If I had wrong, i am so sory. Thank you...

16. Contoh artikel cuaca dalam bahasa inggris

dramatic temperature swings will set the stage for an array of disruptive weather to sweep across
the midwestern of us through sunday, high temperatures can vary up to 5-15 degrees fahrenheit
for one day to the next into early next week

17. buatlah percakapan dlm bhs inggris tentang cuaca!

John = Howdy Gene!
Gene = Mornin' John.
John = Good weather today isn't it?
Gene = Yep, it is. Fresh air, Good view... ahh thats life..
John = Yesterday was rainy and all our crops died.
Gene = But today, the weather is sunny and the air is fresh.
John = I hope tomorrow's weather will be nice and sunny.
Gene = Hope so.

18. Contoh laporan cuaca diindonesia dalam bahasa inggris


Good morning viewers, I'm (nama kamu) , and you watching Weather report at (saluran TV e.x Trans TV, BBC,etc) 

*bisa diisi juga dengan..And you're watching BBC weather report,, etc... 

This afternoon, BMG predict that (nama Kota) is (cuaca). *bisa ditambahkan himbauan... 


Contoh komplit.. 

Good Morning viewers, I'm Thomas Mc Cain and you wachting BBC's weather reports. 

Today, BMG has predicted that this afternoon, North Jakarta is cloudy, West Jakarta is cloudy too, Central Jakarta is Rainy, and South Jakarta is clear. 

Those who's going to traveling with motorcycle in Central Jakarta, we suggest to wear a Raincoat before entering rainy terrytority to prevent wetness. 

That's the Weather reports over Jakarta from us, Thank You for your attention, Have a safe trip 

19. contoh berita cuaca dalam bahasa inggris




Ex : Rainy reason

Rainy Season Has Arrived Rainby Lady-Tori The rainy season has arrived. That's what I feel despite the recent rain flushed my city since 2 days ago. The clothes I washed yesterday were not yet dry. Though my other laundry was piled up to be washed. I just sipping the dragon tea I just made. The distinctive scent of my nose breathes calmly. The rush of rain about my boarding house was so sweet, like a natural song that was deliberately turned. It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon but the sky looks like 6 o'clock in the morning, dark because of the overcast hanging and the rain that has not subsided. I'm tired of actually being in my room. Other residents of the boarding room have returned home. I live alone. I should have been at home, but just before I came home I just remembered that my parents were in Malang. And if I was at home now I would be confused. I can not ride a bike, so I'm not going anywhere. Because the place I live is a bit off the beaten track as well. I decided at 2 o'clock later if the rain had not subsided I would also force myself to go out. A walk in the rain seemed interesting. I'll capture a few moments later through my camera. Maybe I could join a photo contest on campus. Hehe Hour 2, it turns out the rain has not subsided. And with a burning spirit in the rain, I walked away. Past the muddy streets. Towards a place I do not know. I let my footsteps take me away. I hope today is fun. umbrella_I_by_letzte_Regen As if inspired. I feel getting an idea. I picked up my phone and started typing it on the note. Words for the down rain.

The rain has a secret behind its rhythm. I realized. I understand. That I loved the sweltering rain this afternoon. Reminds me of childhood. Where I dance under it. Dancing together as rain fell over my brown umbrella. Without being embarrassed when my other peers looked at me in surprise. Rain. Where I came to know from the wet land wet. And a cheerful frog greeted him. Though the thunderbolts occasionally thunder as if angry. However, the rain kept pouring down the ground. Millions of umbrellas expand when your hundred drops touch the earth. Hundreds of small children rushed to fetch their comrades to dance and sing merrily below your rintikan. Let it rain. Do not you cursed. Because where did you take the water from? Rain. A million mysteries when you stop. Will the rainbow come? When you and the sun blend in. Called the rainbow. To carve himself in the sky. Hey! There will be no rainbow in the sky when there is no rain and sunshine. A bunch of small children running around in front of me. One of them kept kicking a plastic ball. And the others try to snatch the ball away from him. They look happy even though their bodies are full of mud. They also look not worried about the nagging mother when he saw the condition of the uniform. Rain. It still can not take pictures. Still want to enjoy every rain storm despite the wet shoes total. I took another step. Towards an uncertain place. Just enjoy the rain. And the wet roads are also falling leaves

20. Berikan contoh teks laporan cuaca menggunakan bahasa inggris!

This is the condition in the same place two times in a relatively not too far in Pekanbaru. First photos showing the condition of the city of Pekanbaru on 3 September 2013, which is very sunny with blue sky and white clouds. But about six months have passed precisely on March 13, 2014, the view was gone. There is no longer a clear blue sky as all are covered by a very thick smog. Hi, I'm Khafizah08. This is your weekend weather report. This morning we're seeing sun with cloudy periods as well as a few flurries. Right now I am at the top of Mount Raven where it is plus two and expected to rise to about six degrees by noon. Overnight temperatures will probably drop to at least minus seven.
  Tomorrow's forecast calls for more flurries with a high of zero and a low of minus twelve. With the wind chill factor, that could put us at a record low of minus twenty. Conditions are perfect for skiing this weekend, but if you're heading out to the slopes tomorrow, please remember to bundle up to avoid frostbite. That's all, thank you. See you next time


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Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Cuaca Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Cuaca Reviewed by Derby on March 25, 2022 Rating: 5

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