Father Went To Office Late Last Day

Father Went To Office Late Last Day

Father went to office late last day...

Daftar Isi

1. Father went to office late last day...

ayah datang ke kantor terlambat hari terakhir semoga membantu :-)

2. father went to office late last day...​


Ayah setiap hari terakhir terlambat ke kantor


Saya agak gak tau artinya, Saya hanya mencoba saja menterjemahkan :))

3. father went to office late last day (question tag )

is your father late yesterday?
father went to office late last day, didn't he?

4. Boy went to bed a late, last night. So, he ...sleepy now​




5. father..... his car to the office fast yesterday because he was late​


driving = mengendarai


semoga membantu

6. The negatif sentence for the past form is . . . .A. Father does not go to office last week.B. Father did not go to office last week.C. Father do not go to office last week.​




semoga membantu .......

7. My father.........to office every day Pliss jawab besok dikumpul

Maaf kalo salah...my father go to office every day

itu jawabannya gi

8. Mr.juki.... exhausted last night so he comes late to the office now​


Mr. Juki is exhausted last night so he comes late to the office now


Semoga membantu :)


Mr.juki is exhausted last night so he comes late to the office now

9. rika (x) to the shop last day. gogoingwentgoes​




karena ada kata last day yang menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat simple past tense

jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

10. Andre went to his uncle's house with his father last Sunday​


andre pergi ke rumah pamannya bersama ayah minggu lalu!

Andre went to his uncle's house with his father last sunday ?

= Andre pergi untuk-nya paman dengan-nya pasangan terakhir minggu

11. 33. went - Father -- the - Mecca -my- last year - toRearrange the words into good sentence!a.Father my went to Mecca last yearb. Father my went to last year Meccac.My father went to Mecca last yeard. My father went last year to Mecca​


c. My father went to Mecca last year


maaf klo salah





subjek - predikat - objek - keterangan waktu

12. i stayed up really late last night, i went to bed....midnight​




I stayed up really late last night, i went to bed at midnight​

Meaning: Aku begadang tadi malam, aku pergi ke kamar saat tengah malam

Semoga Membantu

13. Jawablah dengan menggunakan question tag.Father went to office late last day,.............? She wasn't happy when he didn't came to her house,..........? They were learning physics when we came last morning,...........?

didn't he?
was she?
weren't they?

14. my father went to the office every morning (+) (-) (?)

(+) My Father went to the office every morning
(-) My Father did not went to the office every morning
(?) Did My Father went to the office every morning?

15. The negatif sentence for the past form is . . . .A. Father does not go to office last week.B. Father did not go to office last week.C. Father do not go to office last week.​


B . Fatger did not go to Office last week


last week artinya Minggu lalu

Kalimat di atas memakai bentuk penggunaan Recount Text , Jadi bentuk Negative past simple tense nya

S + did + not + V1 + O (Negative Sentences)

Father did not go to Office last work


Minggu lalu Ayah tidak pergi ke kantor .

Semoga Membantu

16. My father went to his office this morning artinya


Ayahku pergi ke kantor pagi ini

Semoga membantu


Ayah saya pergi ke kantornya pagi ini

17. my father went to the office every morning (+) (-) (?)

My father goes to the office every morning
My father doesn't go to the office every morning
Does my father go to the office every morning?plus (+) yAaaaaaaaaaa i hope i got that

18. jhon went to the post office last week

Jhon pergi ke kantor post pekan lalujhon pergi ke kantor pos minggu yg lalu

19. (+) My father went to the Bali last week.​


(-)My father didnt go to Bali last week


Why? Because the pattern of verbal simple past tense

(+) Subject + verb 2 + Time Signals

(-) Subject didnt + verb 1 + Time Signals
(?) Did + Subject + verb 1 + Time Signals

From the pattern the positive sentences is wearing verb 2 but if you are making negative or interrogative sentence the use verb 1
Hope you learn the lesson

20. What did do in the last day in Paris?Abought thirteen cardsBwent to ParisCgot up lateDwrote a psit card whole dayEwent to but some cards​


D Mungkin


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Father Went To Office Late Last Day Father Went To Office Late Last Day Reviewed by Derby on March 09, 2022 Rating: 5

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