The Buildings Of Marble And Granite

The Buildings Of Marble And Granite

The buildings...of marble and granite

Daftar Isi

1. The buildings...of marble and granite


The buildings are made of marble and granite. (Bangunan itu terbuat dari kelereng dan granit.

#semoga membantu. :)

2. The buildings ... Of marble and granite.

The buildings are made of marble and granite.

3. The buildings ... of marble and granite. a. were made b. was made c. have been made d. is made ​

~B. Inggris~


A.Were made.


Kenapa jawabannya A, were?Gegara buildings (pake "s") makanya itu jamak/banyak. Karena di pilihannya ndak ada selain were,maka dari itu jawaban yang tepat adalah A.


4. The very intricate designs of the white marble palace shows an.... Of the professional work and expertise of a dedicated architect to his/her work



maaf kalau salah

5. 34. Mr. Heru sails in the sea. He is a35. A : What is the shape of marble ?B : The shape of marble is​


34. Sailor

35. Round (bulat)

6. The part of buildings

arti dari the part of buildings itu Bagian dari Bangunan
The part of buildings artinya bagian dari bangunan

7. a person who plans, designs,and oversees the construction of buildings.

A person who plans, designs,and oversees the construction of buildings is called Architect.
seseorang yang merencanakan, merancangan, dan mengawasi konstruksi bangunan disebut arsitek.
orang yang berencana, mendesain, dan mengawasi kontruksi bangunan

8. The shape of a marble is??​


Semoga membantu

9. 4. There are red, blue, and black marbles in a bag. The probability of pulling out a red marble is .  The probability of pulling out a black marble is .  One marble is pulled out at random. What is the probability the marble will be blue?​


C. 1/2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

probabilities to get a ;

red marble= 2/5 possibilities

black marble  = 1/10 possibilities.

blue marble = 1 - ( 2/5 + 1/10) possibilities

       = 1 - 1/2 = 1/2 possibilities.

the probability the marble will be blue is




There are red, blue, and black marbles in a bag. The probability of pulling out a red marble is ⅖. The probability of pulling out a black marble is 1/10. One marble is pulled out at random.


What is the probability the marble will be blue?


misal total jumlah n(S) = x

n(red) + n(black) + n(blue) = x


⅖ = n(red) / x

n(red) = ⅖x


1/10 = n(black) / x

n(black) = 1/10 x

n(red) + n(black) + n(blue) = x

⅖x + 1/10 x + n(blue) = x

n(blue)=x - ⅖x - 1/10 x

= (10/10 - 4/10 - 1/10)x

= 5/10 x

= ½x


=½x / x

= ½

10. the shape of marble is......

he shape of marble is Circle(lingkaran), Round(Bulat

semoga membantu
kalo tanya english silahkan tanya ya
soal nya itu mapel fav tapi ya ngga segitu suka

11. 35. A: What is the shape of marbleB : The shape of marble is ....jawab napa​


stone on earth


batu yg berasal dari bumi

12. What the shape the marble? The shape of marble is... (ini apa jawabannya ya ka?)

round , circle , sphere = artinya lingkaran atau bulat

jadikan brainliest answer ya thanks!

13. The very intricate designs of the white marble palace shows an. Of the proffessional work and expertise of a dedicated architect to his/her work.


kalau Salah maaf ya!!!

desain yang sangat rumit dari istana maker putih menunjukkan sebuah.pekerjaan profesional dan keahlian seorang arsitek yang berdedikasi pada pekerjaannya.

14. What is the sphere of marble


Materi : Arti.

Kls : VI SD.

Pelajaran : B. Inggris.

Jawab :

What is the Sphere of marble.

Artinya : Apa itu Sphere dari Marmer.

Terima kasih.

maaf ya kalo salah ya.

15. A: what is the shape of marble?B: the shape of marble is...Jawab yakkk Make Bahasa Inggris jawabnya yakk​


A:What Is The Shape Marble?

B:The Shape Of Marble Is ....

Jawaban:Marble Shaped Like A Stone/Circle



A:Apa Bentuknya Marmer?

B:Bentuk Marmer Adalah..

Jawaban:Marmer Berbentuk Seperti Batu/Lingkaran

Pengertian Marmer:

Salah Satu Jenis Batuan Yg Ada Di bumi Adalah Marmer.Batu Marmer Ini Merupakan Salah Satu Jenis Batuan Metamor/Malihan,Dimana Proses Terbentuknya Batu Marmer Ini Karena Diakibatkan Oleh Proses Metamorfosis Batu Kapur/Batu Gamping.



16. one of the (a) jobs of (b) architecture is (c)to develop the main buildings and the (d)surrounding landscape and spaces​


A job of

kehidupan sehari hari maaf kak gk lancar bahasa inggris:)


mon maaf kalau salah dan menjawab(a)aja:))

17. OOCThe roof tile is most likely made ofgranitemarbleslate​



#maaf kalau salah♧

18. A:what is the shape of marble B: The shape of marble Is.... ( tolong jawab y) ​





A. apa bentuk dari kelereng?

B. bentuk dari kelereng adalah lingkarang

Maaf kalau salah

19. What is the shape of the marble ?


Round And Circle

I hope thats True :)

20. The very intricate deaigns of the white marble palace shows an________ of the professional work and expertise of a dedicated architecture to his / her work

The very intricate deaigns of the white marble palace shows an________ of the professional work and expertise of a dedicated architecture to his / her work adalah soal pada buku Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas X halaman 60-61


Pada soal halaman 60-61 ini kita diminta untuk melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang sudah disediakan.

Daftar kata-kata yang disediakan antara lain:

majestically    breathtaking tomb   false  house     adorns  octagonal  tinge        slender intricate  inlaid    mausoleum  epitome

Jawaban dari soal halaman 60-61 Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X adalah:

1. The very intricate designs of the white marble palace shows an  epitome of the professional work and expertise of a dedicated  architect to his/her work.  

2. The walls of the building are inlaid with beautiful carving and  precious stones.  

3. That the towers are slender and not big makes them the right  decoration that slender the domes, and the combination of  which makes the complex look amazingly beautiful.  

4. The white marble palace, bathed in the moon rays, reflects back  the rays that give the tinge of bluish color.    

5. The different appearance of the Taj in the morning, during  daytime and evening is just breathtaking. Words cannot   describe the beauty sufficiently.  

6. The room which has 8 sides is called octagonal   chamber. This  is the room that house the remains of the queen.  

7. However, the remain in the chamber is a false one because  the remains of the queen was buried below at the garden level.    

8. What is your opinion if a millionaire in this country builds a  luxurious mausoleum  to house the remains of his dead  family?

9. The four minarets at the four corner surround the palace majestically, making the palace look symmetrically beautiful.


Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1.  Descriptive text

2. Taj mahal text


Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 10

Mapel : B Inggris

Bab : Chapter 4

Kode :10.5.4

Kata Kunci: taj mahal, soal

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The Buildings Of Marble And Granite The Buildings Of Marble And Granite Reviewed by Derby on March 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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