Legenda Banyuwangi Dalam Bahasa Inggris
legenda banyuwangi singkat dalam bahasa inggris
1. legenda banyuwangi singkat dalam bahasa inggris
Banyuwangi is a district located in the eastern end of the island of Java, Banyuwangi community known a...Lainnya
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Tukar ke Indonesia
Banyuwangi is a district located in the eastern end of the island of Java, Banyuwangi community known as "lare oseng" or lare belambangan. Banyuwangi legend itself is ancient region of the eastern tip of Java island so beautiful landscape led by a king named Prabu Sulahkromo. In carrying out his rule, he was assisted by a Patih brave, thoughtful, wise, handsome named Patih Sidopekso. Sidopekso Patih wife named Sri Tanjung very beautiful, graceful, polished so as to make the King madly - patih sidopekso crazy wife. In order to achieve the desire of the king to persuade and seduce Sri Tanjung then comes the devious mind to govern Patih Sidopekso to perform tasks that could not be achieved by ordinary people. Then firmly and courageously, without suspicion, the duke set out to execute the command of the King. After the death of the duke Sidopekso, obscene gestures King Sulahkromo to seduce and defame Sri Tanjung with all deceit dilakukanya. But the love of the King is not accomplished and Sri Tanjung was not tempted and remain firm stance, as an obedient wife and always pray for her husband. Furious and red-hot heart of the King when her love was rejected by the Sri Tanjung.
When Patih Sidopekso back from mission duties, he was directly facing the King. The king appeared rotten sense, defamatory Patih Sidopekso by stating that after the death of the duke while running the king's command to leave the palace, Sri Tanjung come and seduce as well as having an affair with the King. Without thinking long, Patih Sidopekso Sri Tanjung immediately met with an angry and unwarranted accusations.
Recognition Sri Tanjung innocent and honest makes the heart Patih Sidopekso getting hot rage and even the duke with berangnya threatening to kill the loyal wife. Diseretlah Sri Tanjung into the murky river bank and rundown. But before Patih Sidopekso kill Sri Tanjung, there is a recent demand from Sri Tanjung to her husband, as a proof of honesty, purity and loyalty he was willing to be killed and that his body was thrown into the river, when his blood makes river water fetid then he has had an affair, but if the water river smells good then he is not guilty. Patih Sidopekso no longer able to hold back, immediately thrust his dagger into the chest of Sri Tanjung. Blood splashed on the body of Sri Tanjung and died instantly. The bodies of Sri Tanjung immediately plunged into the river and soon the river was diffuse the fragrance, the fragrance. This proves sri headland innocence, and patih sidopekso his regret for not believing it, so that the area was named BANYUWANGI meaning perfumed water.
2. cerita singkat legenda banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris
Once upon a time, there was a king reigned in East Java named Sindureja. He had a prime minister named Sidapaksa. Sidapaksa had a very beautiful wife.Sidapaksa loved his wife deeply. They lived in complete happiness. However, Sidapaksa’s mother didn’t like her daughter in law. Each day she tried to think a way to separate Sidapaksa from his wife.Sidapaksa loved his wife deeply. They lived in complete happiness. However, Sidapaksa’s mother didn’t like her daughter in law. Each day she tried to think a way to separate Sidapaksa from his wife.Not long afterwards, a son was born. The baby’s birth gave much happiness to the young mother. However, one day, while young mother was bathing, her evil mother–in-law threw the baby into the river. Knowing that her baby had disappeared, the young mother was very sad. She could neither eat nor sleep. She became very ill.Two years passed and Sidapaksa returned from his journey. He succeeded in doing his duty. Just as he was about to enter his house, her mother told him that his wife had thrown their baby into the river. Sidapaksa believed her mother’s story. He was too angry to use his common sense. He drew his keris and approached her wife who was lying weak on her bed.Sidapaksa took her wife to the edge of the river. Suddenly, his wife leaped up and threw herself into the river.“Oh my God! How will I know who killed my child?” moaned Sidupaksa.Then he looked down the water. Suddenly, two pure white flower buds appeared, one longer and taller than the other. A sweet fragrance came from them.“Father, my mother is innocent. Grandmother threw me into the river. Now I am happy because my beloved mother has come with me,” The smaller one spoke. Then, the two flowers vanished into the water. They left their fragrance behind.Since then, people call the city on its banks of the river Banyuwangi.Banyu means water and wangi means fragrant.
Aku udh coba bikin sesingkat singkatnya
3. Moral value dalam bahasa inggris legenda banyuwangi
sometimes our belief in our closest people can disappear in an instant because of the influence of others. Do not be too confident with other people who say about our closest people, because we know better than them and they only meet us once.
4. Apa arti dari legenda banyuwangi tersebut.?
Soalny ga jls gmn mw jwbartinya kamu harus pandai belajar lebih luas, agar mengetahui artinya
5. Bagaimana cerita legenda Banyuwangi?
pernah di ceritain aja
dulu hidup seorang anak perempuan yang bernama wangi dia hidup sebagai yatim piatu,dia hidup bersama paman dan tantenya,pamannya sangat sayang padanya tetapi tidak dengan tantenya,tantenya sangat kejam sampai² wangi biasanya di pukul sampai biru,hari² berlalu wangi pun tumbuh dewasa dan menjadi sangat cantik,suatu hari ia di usir dari rumah pamannya,pamannya pun sedih,wangi pun pergi sampai ke tepi danau,ketika di tepi danau ia bertemu laki laki yang bernama banyu,mereka pun saling suka lalu menikah tahun berganti tahun,mereka berdua ke tepi danau lalu duduk seperti baru bertemu,tanpa di sadari di dekat danau ada tantenya,tantenya pun mendorong wangi,tanpa segan segan banyu pun ikut bercebur ke danau
dari sanalah tercipta banyuwangiPada suatu waktu di daerah tepatnya di sekitar pantai timur Pulau Jawa atau Jawa Timur berdirilah sebuah kerajaan yang diperintah oleh seorang raja. Raja tersebut memiliki seorang putra bernamaRaden Banterang yang kelak akan menggantikan ayahnya sebagai raja. Raden Banterang adalah sosok yang gagah, cakap, dan bagus parasnya. Namun Raden Banterang memiliki sifat mudah sekali untuk marah.Pada hari itu Raden Banterang sedang berburu dengan beberapa pengawalnya .Di dalam perburuan nya, Raden Banterang berpisah dengan pengawalnya dan sampailah diadi sebuah sungai. Di tepi sungaitersebut ada seorang gadis yang sangat cantik sedang memetik sebuah bunga. Raden Banterang langsung tertarik padanya. Lalu Raden Banterang mengajaknya berkenalan dan bertanya mengapa ia sendirian di sini. Gadis itu ternyata bernama Surati, putrid Raja Klungkung. Dia berada di situ karena ia takut apabila seranganmusuh datang lagi. Beberapa waktu lalu kerajaan yang dipimpin ayahnya diserang kerajaan lain. Ayahnya gugur dalam mempertahankan mahkota kerajaan. Sejak hari itu Surati mengembara seorang diridan sampailah ia di tempat itu. Mendengar cerita Surati, Raden Banterang hanya bisa diam. Karena ia mengetahui bahwa yang menyarang kerajaan Klungkung adalah ayahnya sendiri. Raden Banterang merasa iba pada Surati dan memutuskan untuk membawanya ke istana.Setelah itu Raden Banterang pun menikahi Surati. Semua rakyat merasa senang karena Raden Banterang mempunyai istri yang cantik dan berbudi pekerti yang luhur. Karena sikap Surati yang baik hatilah, Raden Banterang menjadi tidak pemarah lagi.Kemudian beberapa hari kemudian Raden Banterang sedang berburu dan Surati sedang berjalan-jalan di luar istana. Tiba-tiba ada seorang laki-laki yang memanggil Surati. Surati pun menoleh kearah orang yang memanggilnya. Betapa kagetnya ketika ia melihat siapa yang memanggilnya tadi. Ternyata adalah kakak kandungnya. Surati tak pernah menyangka kalau kakaknya masih hidup. Kakak kandungnya tersebut menyuruhnya untuk membantu menuntut balas atas kematian ayah mereka. Tetapi, Surati menolaknya karena ia merasa berhutang budi pada Raden Banterang yang telah menyelamatkannya dari kesengsaraan. Karena tidak mendapatkan dukungan dari adiknya, kakak Surati memutuskan untuk balas dendam dengan caranya sendiri.Lalu saat ingin berburu tiba-tiba ada seorang pengemis mendatangi Raden Banterang. Raden Banterang pun dihasut oleh pengemis tersebut yang sebenarnya adalah kakak Surati yang sedang menyamar. Pengemis tersebut berkata bahwa ia mendengar pembicaraan Surati dengan kakak kandungnya tentang rencana mereka balas dendam atas kematian ayah mereka. Pengemis itu juga bilang bahwa apabila Raden Banterang tidak percaya, Raden Banterang harusmelihat di bawah peraduan permaisuri Surati terdapat sebuah ikat kepala seorang laki-laki. Lalu pengemis tersebutlangsung menghilang. Raden Banterang ingin membuktikan kebenaran ucapan pengemis itu. Kemudian dia pulang.Sesampainya di istana RadenBanterang langsung menuju tempat peraduan istrinya. Betapa kecewanya ia ketika melihat ke bawah peraduan istrinya ternyata memang ada sebuah ikat kepala laki-laki.Akhirnya Raden Banterang pun tidak bisa menahan lagi Emosinya . Lalu dibawanya istrinya ke muara sebuah sungai. Setelah sampai di muara sungai diceritakannya semua laporan yang didengarnya dari seorang pengemis saat sedang berburu. Raden Banterang lalu menanyakan hal itu pada Surati dengan nada marah. Surati pun bersumpah pada Raden Banterang bahwa ia tidak melakukan apa yang diceritakanpengemis itu pada Raden Banterang. Tetapi , Raden Banterang tetap tidak percaya. Maka dihunusnya keris yang terselip di pinggangnya. Sebelum keris itu ditikamkan pada Surati, Surati melompat ke sungai lalu menghilang. Lalu pengemis tadi datang sambil neneriakkan sebuah kata yaitu “Banyuwangi”. Pengemis tersebut menjelaskan semuanya dan ia juga bilang bahwa “Banyuwangi” adalah tanda cinta suci dari Surati untuk Raden Banterang.Raden Banterang akhirnya menyesali perbuatannya. RadenBanterang terburu nafsu tanpa menyelidikinya dengan cermat. Atas Perbuatannya membawa maut bagi permaisuri yang dicintainya. Keudian sejak saat itu tempat permaisuri menghilang dalam dasar sungaidisebutBanyuwangiyang berarti air yang sangat harum.
6. bahasa inggris beserta artinya- Cerita legendaCerita legenda kota Banyuwang
legend story of Banyuwangi city
7. bagaimana kisah legenda banyuwangi?
dulu ada seorang dewi yg terjebur di sebuah danau dan warga2 mencium bau harum dari sungai itu dan diberinama banyuwangi artinya air wangi
8. tolong buatkan narative legenda banyuwangi secara singkat memakai bhs inggris
itu jawabannya,semoga membantu:) The Legend Of Banyuwangi
Once upon a time, there was a local ruler named King Sulahkromo. The king had a Prime Minister named Raden Sidopekso. The Prime Minister had a wife named Sri Tanjung. She was so beautiful that the king wanted her to be his wife. One day, the King sent his Prime Minister to a long mission. While the Prime Minister was away, the King tried to get Sri Tanjung. However he failed. He was very angry. Thus, when Sidopekso went back, the King told him that his wife was unfaithful to him. The Prime Minister was very angry with his wife. Sri Tanjung said that it was not true. However, Sidopekso said that he would kill her. He brought her to the river bank. Before he kill her and threw her into the river, she said that her innocence would be proven After Sidopekso killed her, he threw her dead body into the dirty river. The river immediately became clean and began to spread a wonderful fragrance. Sidopekso said, "Banyu...Wangi... Banyuwangi". This means "fragrant water". Banyuwangi was born from the proof of noble and sacred love.
9. Cerita singkat legenda banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris tentang raden Banterang
The Legend of Banyuwangi
Once upon a time in the edge of east Java Island, there was a kingdom named Blambangan. The kingdom was led by a king named King Sulahkromo. He was assisted by a brave Patih named Patih Sidopekso in ruling his kingdom. Patih Sidopekso had a very beautiful wife named Sri Tanjung. Because of her beauty, the king was crazy about her. Even, the king had made a plan to take away Sri Tanjung from Patih Sidopekso. He ordered Patih Sidopekso to do a mission that was very hard and dangerous so that Patih Sidopekso would die there. Without suspicion, Patih Sidopekso went to do The King’s command. When Patih Sidopekso was going on his duty, King Sulahkromo seduced Sri Tanjung in order to be his wife. However Sri Tanjung stayed faithful to Patih Sidopekso. The king was angry because he was rejected by Sri Tanjung.
10. cerita banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya
The Legend of Banyuwangi
Once upon a time in the edge of east Java Island, there was a kingdom named Blambangan. The kingdom was led by a king named King Sulahkromo. He was assisted by a brave Patih named Patih Sidopekso in ruling his kingdom. Patih Sidopekso had a very beautiful wife named Sri Tanjung. Because of her beauty, the king was crazy about her. Even, the king had made a plan to take away Sri Tanjung from Patih Sidopekso. He ordered Patih Sidopekso to do a mission that was very hard and dangerous so that Patih Sidopekso would die there. Without suspicion, Patih Sidopekso went to do The King’s command. When Patih Sidopekso was going on his duty, King Sulahkromo seduced Sri Tanjung in order to be his wife. However Sri Tanjung stayed faithful to Patih Sidopekso. The king was angry because he was rejected by Sri Tanjung.
Baca juga: Cerita Rakyat Indonesia dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Roro Jonggrang dan Artinya
After getting back from his duty, Patih Sidopekso went to see the King in the hall. The king who was hurt because his love was rejected then accused Sri Tanjung that she had seduced him. Patih Sidopekso was upset to hear what was told by the king. He felt he had been betrayed by his wife. Then he went to see his wife and asked for the truth immediately. Sri Tanjung refuted and denied what was said by the king. Nevertheless, Patih Sidopkeso more believed to the king than her wife. And then he got mad and dragged her to the edge of a muddy river. He was so angry there and wanted to kill his wife. Because her husband did not trust her anymore, Sri Tanjung asked for a last request to him. She said that if he did not trust her any more, he may kill her and threw her body into the river. Sri Tanjung also said that when the water turned to be clean it meant she was right. Nevertheless, if it did not change, the king was right.
Patih Sidopekso couldn’t stand his anger any longer and then he stabbed his wife with a knife. Then he threw his wife’s body into the river. Immediately the turbid river turned into clean and diffused the fragrance. Seeing the incident, Patih Sidopekso regretted what he had done. He realized that his wife was innocent. Then he screamed loudly “Banyu …………… ….. …Wangi. Banyu Wangi ….. “Since the incident happened the river was called Banyuwangi.
Legenda Banyuwangi
Pada zaman dahulu di ujung timur Pulau Jawa, ada sebuah kerajaan bernama Blambangan. Kerajaan itu dipimpin oleh seorang raja bernama Raja Sulahkromo. Dia dibantu oleh seorang Patih yang berani bernama Patih Sidopekso dalam memerintah kerajaannya. Patih Sidopekso memiliki istri yang sangat cantik bernama Sri Tanjung. Bahkan, karena kecantikannya, raja itu tergila-gila padanya. Raja membuat rencana untuk merebut Sri Tanjung dari Patih Sidopekso. Ia memerintahkan Patih Sidopekso untuk melakukan sebuah misi yang sangat sulit dan berbahaya sehingga Patih Sidopekso akan mati dalam misi itu. Tanpa curiga, Patih Sidopekso pergi untuk melakukan perintah Raja. Ketika Patih Sidopekso sedang menjalani tugasnya, Raja Sulahkromo merayu Sri Tanjung agar menjadi istrinya. Namun Sri Tanjung tetap setia kepada Patih Sidopekso. Raja pun menjadi marah karena ia ditolak oleh Sri Tanjung.
Setelah kembali dari tugasnya, Patih Sidopekso pergi menemui Raja di aula. Raja yang terluka karena cintanya ditolak menuduh Sri Tanjung telah merayunya. Patih Sidopekso kesal mendengar apa yang dikatakan oleh raja. Dia merasa bahwa ia telah dikhianati oleh istrinya. Kemudian ia pergi menemui istrinya dan meminta kebenaran segera. Sri Tanjung membantah dan menyangkal apa yang telah dikatakan oleh raja. Namun Patih Sidopkeso lebih mempercayai rajanya daripada istrinya. kemudian ia marah dan menyeretnya ke tepi sungai berlumpur. Dia begitu marah di sana dan ingin membunuh istrinya. Karena suaminya tidak mempercayainya lagi, Sri Tanjung meminta permintaan terakhir. Dia mengatakan bahwa jika dia tidak percaya padanya, ia boleh membunuh dan melemparkan tubuhnya ke sungai. Sri Tanjung juga mengatakan bahwa ketika air sunagi itu berubah menjadi bersih, itu berarti dia benar tetapi jika sungai itu tidak berubah maka rajalah yang benar.
Patih Sidopekso tidak bisa menahan amarahnya lagi. lalu ia menikam istrinya dengan pisau. Kemudian ia melemparkan tubuh istrinya ke sungai. Segera sungai keruh itu berubah menjadi bersih dan menyebarkan aroma wangi. Melihat kejadian itu, Patih Sidopekso menyesali apa yang telah dilakukannya. Dia menyadari bahwa istrinya tidak bersalah. Kemudian ia berteriak denagn keras “Banyu …………… ….. … Wangi. Banyu Wangi …..” sejak saat itu sungai itu disebut Banyuwangi.
the legend of banyuwangi
legenda banyuwangi
12. legenda banyuwangi adalah legenda yang berasal dari
daerah Banyuwangi itu sendiri Berasal dari daerah Banyuwangi,Jawa Timur.
13. Contah drama dari legenda banyuwangi?
surati,raja, raden banterang,aria,topaLEGENDA BANYUWANGI
Banyuwangi adalah nama sebuah kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia memiliki cerita asal usul dari sebuah Legenda Banyuwangi yang akan diceritakan dalam bahasa inggris ini. Banyuwangi terletak di bagian timur pulau Jawa, di samping Bali memiliki. Di antara Banyuwangi dan pulau Bali terdapat Selat Bali yang memisahkan keduanya. Budaya Banyuwangi adalah budaya yang unik karena merupakan perpaduan antara budaya Jawa, Bali dan Madura. Berikut adalah legenda Banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris tentang cerita asal mula banyuwangi.
Teks Legenda Banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris
Legend of Banyuwangi
Long time ago Banyuwangi was called Blambangan. It was a kingdom under a wise king who had a handsome and smart son. Raden Banterang was his name. He liked hunting very much. He often went to forest around Blambangan to hunt for animals. One day when he was in a forest he saw a deer. He chased it and the deer ran deeper into the forest. His horse was so good and strong that he left his guards behind. Unfortunately he lost the deer. As he took a rest under a big banyan tree suddenly a lovely lady appeared in front of him. Raden Banterang was very surprised to see a beautiful girl alone in the forest. He was suspicious that she was not a human being. So he asked her.
‘Excuse me lovely lady, do you live around here?’
‘No, I don’t. I’m from Klungkung, Bali. My name is Surati. I’m a princess, the daughter of the king of Klungkung. I need your help’
‘I will gladly help you, but please tell me what your problem is’
‘I’m in danger. There was a rebellion in Klungkung. The rebel killed my father but I could escape. My guards took me here but I lose them. Now I’m alone. I don’t know where to go. I have no relative here. Please help me’
‘You are coming to the right person. I’m prince Banterang from the kingdom of Blambangan. I will protect you. Please come with me.’
Then Raden Banterang took Surati home. He fell in love with her and then several months later he married her. One day when Surati was in the street he met a man. The man called him.
‘Surati, Surati’
She was surprised to realize that the man was her brother Rupaksa. Rupaksa told her that it was Raden Banterang who killed their father. He came to Blambangan to take revenge and asked surati to join him. Surati was shocked but she refused to join.
‘I’m really shocked to hear the news. But I’m not sure. Raden Banterang is now my husband. He’s very kind to me. He never hurts me. He’s protecting me. As a good wife I will never betray him. It is my duty to serve him.’
‘But he killed our father’.
‘It is hard for me to believe it. When I met him he was here, not in Klungkung’
Rupaksa was disappointed with her sister. He was also very angry to her.
‘OK then. I have to go now. But please keep my head dress. Put it under your pillow’
Rupaksa gave his head dress to his sister Surati. To respect her older brother Surati put it under her pillow. Several days later Raden Banterang was hunting in a forest when he met a man that looked like a priest. The man greeted him politely. Then he said something.
‘Your life is in danger. Someone has an evil intention to you’
‘Who is he?’
“Your wife Surati’
“Surati? How do you know?’
‘I am a priest. I have clear spiritual vision. I just want to save you. Search her room. If you find a head dress under her pillow then my words are correct. It is from a man who will help her kill you’
‘Thank you your Holiness’
Raden Banterang was shocked. He was very angry to his wife then he immediately went home. When he got to the palace he immediately searched Surati’s bed room. As he found the head dress under her pillow he was sure that the priest was right.
‘You are unfaithful wife. I know that you want me dead. This is the evidence. This is from a man who will help you kill me. Tell me who he is’
Surati was shocked and cried.
‘It is my brother’s head dress. I met him several days ago when you went hunting. He gave me his head dress and told me to put it under my pillow. So I put it there to respect him. It is him who want to kill you, not me’
But Raden Banterang did not trust her. He gave her a death sentence. He took his wife to a river bank as he would stab his wife and throw her body into the river.
‘Before I die, let me say a few words’
‘Please do’
‘After I die, just throw my body into the river. If the water become dirty and smelly, it means that I am guilty. But if the water become clear and fragrance come out of it, it means that I am innocence’.
Then as Raden Banterang would stab her wife with a kris Surati threw herself into the river. Amazingly the water became clear and fragrance came out of it. Surati was innocent! Raden Banterang regretted his emotional behavior. Since then on he changed the name of his kingdom into Banyuwangi. Banyu means water and Wangi means fragrance.
14. percakapan 2 orang dalam bahasa inggris tentang legenda banyuwangi..bantu bkinin yaa
misalkan namanya andi dan indri
andi: hey indri. can you give me an information of legend banyuwangi
indri: ohh. the first banyuwangi is the man distrub the girls and the girls angry to the man. the man like the girls. the man wants tell the king so the man can marry the girls. the king not promise. the king dosnt like the man. and have the big rain. and that have banyuwangi
maaf klo salah...
15. Legenda Banyuwangi dalam bahasa jawa
Legenda Tangkuban perahu Legenda Roro JonggrangLEGENDA TOYOARUM KALAU TIDAK SALAH
16. pesan moral legenda asal mula banyuwangi dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya
The Legend of Banyu Wangi
Once upon a time, in eastern part of Java Island, there was a kingdom ruled by a king. The king’s name was Prabu Menak Prakoso. One day, Prabu Menak and his soldiers invaded the kingdom of Klungkung in Bali. The king of Klungkung was killed, yet his daughter, Made Surati, and his son, Agung Bagus Mantra, were able to escape and hide in the jungle.
Pada jaman dahulu, di bagian timur pulau jawa, ada sebuah kerajaan yang diperintahan oleh seorang Raja. Nama raja tersebut adalah Prabu Menak Prakoso. Suatu hari, Prabu Menak dan tentaranya menginfasi kerajaan Klungkung di Bali. Raja Klungkung terbunuh, akan tetapi Anak perempuannya, Made Surati dan saudara laki lakinya, Agung Bagus Mantra, dapat melarian diri dan bersembungi di hutan.
Prabu Menak Prakoso had a son named Raden Banterang. He was such a handsome young man. One day, Raden Banterang went to the jungle for hunting. It was in the jungle that Raden Banterang met Made Surati. She was then taken to Blambangan to be his wife. Raden Banterang and Made Surati enjoyed a happy life in the Palace.
Prabu Menak Prakoso mempunyai anak laki laki yang bernama Raden Banterang. Dia sangat tampan. Suatu hari Raden Banterang pergi ke hutan untk berburu. Ini adalah hutan dimana Raden Banterang bertemu degan Made Surati. Dia dibawa ke Blambangan untuk menjadi istrinya. Raden Banterang dan Made Surati menikmati kehidupannya di istana kerajaan.
When Raden Banterang was hunting one day, Made Surati was surprised by the arrival of a dirty beggar asking for her pity. The princess was surprised to find that the beggar was her older brother, Agung Bagus Mantra. She promptly squatted and embraced her brother’s legs. However, her great respect of her brother was not well accepted. Instead, Agung Bagus Mantra asked his sister to kill Raden Banterang. But such a request was rejected. He was very angry with her and came up with a sly idea to slander her.
Ketika Raden Banterang sedang berburu, Made Surati sangat terkejut oleh kedatangan seorang pengemis kotor meminta belas kasihan. Putri itu terkejut menyadari bahwa pengemis itu adalah kakaknya. Agung Bagus Mantra. Dia dengan segera memegang kaki dari pengemis tersebut dan memeluk kaki kakaknya tersebut. Akan tetapi, rasa hormat kakanya tidak diterima dengan baik. Malahan, Agung Bagus Mantra meminta saudara perempuannya untuk membunh Raden Banterang. Akan tetap permintaan itu ditolak oleh Made Surati. Agung Bagus Mantra sangat marah padanya dan mempunyai ide untuk memfitnahnya.
Slowly but surely, Agung succeeded in convincing Raden Banterang that his wife had been involved in a scandal with another man. Asking for compassion, Made Surati tried to tell the truth and denied her husband’s accusation. Hearing his wife explanation, the king became angrier and angrier. As a proof of her sacred love, she asked her husband to kill her. As her last request, she asked her husband to throw her dead body into the river. She said that if the water in the river smelled terrible, it meant that she had ever been sinful. But if it smelled fragrant, it meant that she was innocent.
Secara pelan, Agung berhasil meyakinkan Raden Banterang bahwa istrinya telah terlibat skandal dengan laki laki lain. Sambil meminta ampun, Made Surati mencoba untuk mencoba menceritakan kebenaran dan menyangkal tuduhan suaminya. Mendengar penjelasan dari istrinya, Raja menjadi semakin marah dan marah. Sebagai bukti cinta sucinya, dia meminta suaminya untuk membunuhnya. Sebagai permintaannya, Made Surati meminta suaminya untuk melempar jasadnya ke dalam sungai. Made Surati mengatakan jika air berubah di sungai berbau tidak enak, berarti dia telah berbohong. Akan tetapi jika baunya harum, itu berarti bahwa dia tidak bersalah
Raden Banterang who was unable to control his emotions soon stabbed his kerís (dagger) into his wife’s chest. She died instantly. The dead body of Made Surati was quickly thrown into the dirty river. Raden Banterang was shocked to see the river suddenly become clean and as clear as glass with a fragrant smell. Raden Banteraflll screamed crazily and regretted his deed. He walked unsteadìly and fell into the river screaming, “Banyu… Wangì… Banyuwangi!” This means “fragrant water”.
Raden Banterang yang tidak dapat mengendalikan emisinya dengan segera menusuk kerisnya kedalam dada istrinya. Dia mati secara tiba tiba. Jazad dari Made Surati dengan segera dilemparkan ke dalam air yang kotor. Raden Banterang terkejut melihat Sungai tiba tiba menjadi bersih dan sebening kaca dengan bau harum. Raden Banterang menjerit dengan gila dan menyesalinya. Dia berjalan ke dalam air sambil berteriak “ Banyu Wangi Banyu wangi” yang berarti Air yang harum .
17. naskah drama banyuwangi berbahasa inggris
Teks Legenda Banyuwangi dalam bahasa inggris
Legend of Banyuwangi
Long time ago Banyuwangi was called Blambangan. It was a kingdom under a wise king who had a handsome and smart son. Raden Banterang was his name. He liked hunting very much. He often went to forest around Blambangan to hunt for animals. One day when he was in a forest he saw a deer. He chased it and the deer ran deeper into the forest. His horse was so good and strong that he left his guards behind. Unfortunately he lost the deer. As he took a rest under a big banyan tree suddenly a lovely lady appeared in front of him. Raden Banterang was very surprised to see a beautiful girl alone in the forest. He was suspicious that she was not a human being. So he asked her.
‘Excuse me lovely lady, do you live around here?’
‘No, I don’t. I’m from Klungkung, Bali. My name is Surati. I’m a princess, the daughter of the king of Klungkung. I need your help’
‘I will gladly help you, but please tell me what your problem is’
‘I’m in danger. There was a rebellion in Klungkung. The rebel killed my father but I could escape. My guards took me here but I lose them. Now I’m alone. I don’t know where to go. I have no relative here. Please help me’
‘You are coming to the right person. I’m prince Banterang from the kingdom of Blambangan. I will protect you. Please come with me.’
Then Raden Banterang took Surati home. He fell in love with her and then several months later he married her. One day when Surati was in the street he met a man. The man called him.
‘Surati, Surati’
She was surprised to realize that the man was her brother Rupaksa. Rupaksa told her that it was Raden Banterang who killed their father. He came to Blambangan to take revenge and asked surati to join him. Surati was shocked but she refused to join.
‘I’m really shocked to hear the news. But I’m not sure. Raden Banterang is now my husband. He’s very kind to me. He never hurts me. He’s protecting me. As a good wife I will never betray him. It is my duty to serve him.’
‘But he killed our father’.
‘It is hard for me to believe it. When I met him he was here, not in Klungkung’
Rupaksa was disappointed with her sister. He was also very angry to her.
‘OK then. I have to go now. But please keep my head dress. Put it under your pillow’
Rupaksa gave his head dress to his sister Surati. To respect her older brother Surati put it under her pillow. Several days later Raden Banterang was hunting in a forest when he met a man that looked like a priest. The man greeted him politely. Then he said something.
‘Your life is in danger. Someone has an evil intention to you’
‘Who is he?’
“Your wife Surati’
“Surati? How do you know?’
‘I am a priest. I have clear spiritual vision. I just want to save you. Search her room. If you find a head dress under her pillow then my words are correct. It is from a man who will help her kill you’
‘Thank you your Holiness’
Raden Banterang was shocked. He was very angry to his wife then he immediately went home. When he got to the palace he immediately searched Surati’s bed room. As he found the head dress under her pillow he was sure that the priest was right.
‘You are unfaithful wife. I know that you want me dead. This is the evidence. This is from a man who will help you kill me. Tell me who he is’
Surati was shocked and cried.
‘It is my brother’s head dress. I met him several days ago when you went hunting. He gave me his head dress and told me to put it under my pillow. So I put it there to respect him. It is him who want to kill you, not me’
But Raden Banterang did not trust her. He gave her a death sentence. He took his wife to a river bank as he would stab his wife and throw her body into the river.
‘Before I die, let me say a few words’
‘Please do’
‘After I die, just throw my body into the river. If the water become dirty and smelly, it means that I am guilty. But if the water become clear and fragrance come out of it, it means that I am innocence’.
Then as Raden Banterang would stab her wife with a kris Surati threw herself into the river. Amazingly the water became clear and fragrance came out of it. Surati was innocent! Raden Banterang regretted his emotional behavior. Since then on he changed the name of his kingdom into Banyuwangi. Banyu means water and Wangi means fragrance.
semoga membantu :)
18. Siapa pengarang legenda banyuwangi
sesuai penerbit buku nya.Nama pengarang buku asal banyuangi NUANSA AULIA adalah Heny v.tinneke
Heny v. Tinneke yg membuatnya
19. Siapa figur dari cerita legenda Banyuwangi dalam bahasa InggrisTolong di jawab yahh
who is the figure from the Banyuwangi legend
gitu bukan?
maaf klo salah!!!!
20. bahasa inggris saya akan pergi ke Banyuwangi
I will go to Banyuwangi
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