Soal Bahasa Sunda Kelas 9 Semester 1 Dan Kunci Jawaban
kunci jawaban lks bahasa Sunda kls 9 semester 1 hal 6
1. kunci jawaban lks bahasa Sunda kls 9 semester 1 hal 6
jawban buku b.sunda LKS kelas 9
2. jawaban soal bahasa sunda kelas 8 semester 1
saya bukan orang sunda maaf
3. Kunci jawaban penilaian tengah semester ganjil bahasa sunda kelas 10
dek mana soal nya ? mana kakak tau tentang bukunya
4. kunci jawaban bahasa Indonesia kelas 9 lks halaman 90 sampai 97 semester 1
it doesn't make sense why this question is so very funny
5. kunci jawaban LKS bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 hal 58 - 59
9. c. hope
10. c. sang
11. c. Cookie.
12. d. Four.
13. d. 34 grams.
14. b. Iron
Yang lain kurang jelas,ntar tolong taro pertanyaan yglain di komen ya,thamk!!
6. kunci jawaban lks bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1 hal 10-14
Raka: Well (1) done, Donny. Your painting is the best at our school. I am sure, our school will send you as the (2) representative for the national painting contest.
Donny: Thanks a million to say that. The other paintings are good also.
Raka: Yes but yours is the best. You painted very (3) well.
Donny: (4) Thanks a lot. Please give me support if I am sent to the national painting contest.
Raka: Of course. We are best friend. We should (5) support each other.
Donny: That's right. Thanks again.
Raka: Don't mention it.
Pembahasan1. Whose painting are they talking about?
Answer: They are talking about Donny's painting.
2. Why does Raka congratulate Donny?
Answer: Raka congratulates Donny because Donny's painting is the best at their school.
3. Does Raka always support Donny?
Answer: Yes, he does.
4. Find the expression of congratulating in the dialogue!
Answer: "Well done, Donny."
5. What does Donny say to respond Raka?
Answer: Donny says, "Thanks a million to say that."
Pelajari lebih lanjutWhat is the function of expressing congratulation pada
Membuat 8 congratulating expressions dan responses pada
Contoh kalimat expressing congratulations pada
Detail tambahanKelas: X
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Congratulating and Complementing Others (Chapter 2)
Kode: 10.5.2
7. Soal ujian bahasa indonesia semester 1 kelas 10 beserta kunci jawaban
hai kamu. cuma mau ngasih tau brainly tempat untuk menanya pekerjaan rumah yang sulit yaa, bukan untuk menanya kunci jawaban karna kita belum tau soal ujian yang kamu pertanyakkan seperti apa. terima kasi :)
8. bahasa sunda kelas 9 semester 1 kalimah perintah
6 . tidak menang
10 terimakasih
Maaf kalo salah
9. kunci jawaban bahasa Sunda warangka bahasa Sunda hal 50 kelas 6
foto soalnya nanti saya jawab
Materi Basa Sunda nu aya di Kelas 9 Semester 1 nyaeta Girang Acara, Adat di Pilemburan, jeung Pakeman Basa. Girang Acara teh sebutan pikeun ka jalma anu miboga pancen boh panata acara boh panumbu catur. Panata acara anu sok disebut oge MC atawa Master of Ceremony teh miboga pancen pikeun nyusun runtuyan acara, nangtukeun sarta ngahaturanan saha-saha anu rek cacarita dina eta acara. Sedengkeun panumbu catur nyaeta jalma anu ngatur jalanna sawala atawa diskusi, atawa anu sok disebut moderator.
Dina materi pangajaran Adat di Pilemburan diajarkeun adat-adat atawa budaya anu masih keneh aya di tanah Sunda, saperti di Baduy, Kampung Naga, Ciptagelar, Kampung Pulo, Kampung Dukuh jeung sajabana ti eta. Sedengkeun materi pangajaran nu aya dina Pakeman Basa nyaeta diajarkeun ngeunaan babasan jeung paribasa nu aya dina basa Sunda
11. Kunci jawaban soal bahasa inggris halaman 98 semester 1 kelas 8
Pada exercise ini, siswa diminta untuk menuliskan dan menjabarkan rutinitas yang sudah dilakukan oleh Dayu, Lina, Siti, dan kawan-kawan berdasarkan perspektif seseorang yang sudah disebutkan.
Daily routines adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan sehari-hari atau biasa disebut rutinitas keseharian seseorang. Dalam menuliskan daily routines, kita harus menggunakan simple present tense.
Simple Present tense memiliki formula sebagai berikut:
S + V1 atau S + V1+s/es
V1 untuk subject I, You, They, dan We
V1+s/es untuk subject He, She, dan It
Here what Dayu, Lina and Siti do as their routines, according to Udin:
Dayu, Lina, and Siti are never late to class. They walk to school, but they always get to school on time. They rarely take public transport. They look healthy and happy all the time. They often speak English to each other, to their friends and to the English teachers. They ask questions in English. They answer questions in English, too. Their English is very good.Here what Udin, Edo, and Beni do as their routines, according to Beni:
Udin, Edo, and I go home straight away after school. We do not go to wrong places in our uniforms. Sometimes we go out in the afternoon for extra curricular activities. In our free time, we often ride on a bicycle around the town together. We sometimes swim in the river. The water is still clean and clear.6.We also play football together, very often.
Here what Udin, Edo, and Beni do as their routines, according to Siti:
Udin, Edo, and Beni are always together. They play together. They also exercise together. I like seeing them so close to each other. Lina, Dayu, and I are their close friends, too. The six of us often do our homework together. We practice English together. We help each other and we learn from each other. We also know each other’s family very closely.Here what Edo's family do as their routines, according to Edo:
There is nobody at home most of the day. Both my mother and my father go to work. The children go to school. But we usually have breakfast and dinner together. We do not only eat we talk, chat, and tell jokes. Both my mom and my dad are very good cooks. My father often makes fried noodle and fried rice for breakfast, with lots of vegetable and egg or chicken. My sister and I make the table and clean the dishes after the meals.Semoga membantu menjawab pertanyaan anda. Terimakasih :)
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Detil Jawaban
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: B Inggris
Kategori: Daily Routines
Kode: 8.5.7
Kata kunci: Daily Routines
Maaf Kalo Salah
12. jawaban LKS bahasa Sunda hal 16 kelas 1 semester 1
t nyaho urang mah[::::::::::::::::::::|
13. Kunci jawaban lks bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1 hal 60
ya gatau cug lksnya merk apa
14. kunci jawaban TTS TTS kunci jawaban PTS mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester ganjil
menurut ku seimbang dan adill
15. kunci jawaban LKS bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 hal 58
15. b. that's a very beautiful handicraft
16. c. in the past
17. c. are playing
18. b. were they students of SMP Harapan?
16. Contoh soal dan kunci jawaban pts bahasa arab kelas 2 semester
Maaf lampiran gambarnya atau foto tugas tidak ada,
17. soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1
12. a
13. d
14. a
15. c
1. Congratulation letter
2. Fanani think Rafi's succes is very creditable but not unexpected
3. senior secondary examination with distinction in psychic
I hope my answer can help you~
maaf klo slh
18. Jawaban LKS bahasa Sunda hal 16 kelas 1 semester 1
itu tinggal di salin doang kak
1. jaman baheula
2. lain ratus deui
3. ningal baladna
4. adigung asa aing
5. urang perang tanding
6. handapeun tangkal
7. teu talangke deui
19. Jawaban soal bahasa inggris semester 1 kelas 10 halaman 9?
apakah ini yang kamu maksud?
mana soalnya???
20. jawaban soal nomor 13 bahasa Indonesia kelas 9 semester 1
lain kali soalnya dikasih tau coy we bukan pembaca pikiran
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