Contoh Surat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Formal

Contoh Surat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Formal

contoh surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris​

1. contoh surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris​



To: Mister/Miss

Dear, (name)

"sorry for disturbing, I just wanted to say that i'm not feeling well today, so i can't be in your class, my mom said that i need to rest at home, hopefully tommorow i can go to school and be in your class"

Thank you


jawaban diatas adalah contoh surat ijin yang formal di sekolah ada beberapa bagian disini yang saya akan jelaskan:

yang pertama: "To/Place" itu adalah tempat atau untuk yang harus ada didalam surat formal

yang kedua: sebenarnya yang kedua ini sama seperti yang diatas tapi ini untuk siapa yang akan surat ini diberikan

yang ketiga: ada "Dear, (name) ini adalah kata awal sebelum membuka isi dari surat tersebut

yang keempat: "isi dari surat" isi dari surat ini bertujuan agar pembaca tersebut tahu apa yang kita akan sampaikan kepadanya

yang terakhir: "ucapan terimakasih" disini adalah bagian yang penting untuk menutup isi dari surat tersebut

(maaf kalo salah ini hanya pendapat dan contoh dari saya sendiri)

Semoga membantu!

2. contoh surat formal bahasa inggris

SMA Negeri 18 Antah Berantah
Jalan Ir. Soekarno No. 47 Antah Berantah
No. Phone. (0281) 6321943 No: 65 / SMAN 18 Antah Berantah / 19/2014
Attachment: –
Subject: notification
To:Parents of Class XII
SMA Negeri 18 Bandung

With respect,Through this letter we announce that on Saturday, 29th November 2014 will be holding a distribution students’’ reports book to all students of SMAN 18 Antah Berantah. Therefore we hope you could come to take your children’s reports book.
Thank you for your attention.

The Principal of SMAN 18 Antah Berantah
Lily Aldrige, S.Pd

3. contoh surat formal dan non formal dalam bentuk bahasa inggris

ontoh surat dalam bahasa inggris [Non Formal]
Traits - traits personal letters : Personal Letter: Personal letter is a letter that is used for personal gain. Letters may be correspondence among friends or family. The characteristics of the personal letter : 1. Do not use letterhead 2. No number of letters 3. Greeting and closing varies 4. Free use of language, as you wish writer 5. Free letter format
Example Denpasar, October 31, 2012 Mail to friend Panji Suryawan in Denpasar
Regards See you soon friends! How are you? Hopefully fine. When we will meet again yes,, had not been long ...? What was it like in junior high school Negri ..? There may be a pleasure for your pleasure. This week I'm probably going to house you for speaking about the past. Ohh yeah how your shadow report cards, are getting rank 1 ...? I hope so,, Ooo yeah forgot to survive Halloween Day. I end this letter was yes,, do not forget to reply
From your friend
Kumpulan Contoh Surat Formal Bahasa Inggris No: 1 – V11 – 2013 Lamp: 4 pieces Subject: Visa Application To the Honorable Mr. Head of Immigration Office Denpasar Branch Jalan Flamboyan 25 Denpasar 80235 Indonesia Sincerely, First let me introduce self. My name is Susan Grey, 32, a teacher Indonesian in a junior high school in Canberra. I has six years teaching Indonesian in Australia. In connection with the scholarship I received from Australian government to deepen the language My Indonesian in Indonesia for six months, it is through this letter I would like to propose application for a visa Visits Permit Stay While (KIMS). The plan I will be in Indonesia from July through December 2013. During six months, it is hoped I could learn Nusantara Language Academy in Denpasar during two months, and then will follow the program homestay in Bandung for four months. Program Homestay is also managed by the Academy Discuss Archipelago. Because the Indonesian courses at the Academy of Language Nusantara is only held in July-August every year, so with my very I begged to be given KIMS to come to Denpasar end of June 2013. In addition to the application form KIMS I have content, along with this letter I also enclose: - Letter from the Department scholarships ACT Education Australia - Letter of acceptance as a student at the Academy Language Nusantara Denpasar - Letter of sponsorship from Dra Anita Budiharja, chairman Association of Indonesia in Canberra Presumably this can be a material consideration for Mr. I hope you will granted my request. Top concern granted, I say many thanks. Sincerely, Susan Grey BA, Education 23 Grevillia Street Acacia ACT 2625 Australia

Sumber Referensi : - Disalin dari Infoter-baru

4. contoh surat formal berbahasa inggris dan artinya

Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: Formal letter
Berikut contoh dalam formal letter, dalam hal ini letter of inquiry

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inquiry about the football project you offered on 22nd September 2017 via phone call.
I wonder if you could tell me more about the details of it, whether the task of making weekly match review and preview only includes English Premier League or also the other major European league as well.
I would be grateful if you could possibly provide the reply immediately so that I will be able to begin the project in time.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Branko Vlascic

Dengan hormat,

Dengan ini saya berminat untuk menanyakan lebih jauh mengenai proyek sepakbola yang anda tawarkan melalui telepon pada tanggal 22 September lalu.
Saya ingin menanyakan lebih banyak mengenai detail tugas yang ada, apakah pembuatan prediksi dan analisa pertandingan mingguan tersebut hanya untuk EPL  Liga Premiere Inggris atau juga liga-liga lainnya.
Saya berharap sudah mendapatkan jawaban tersebut hari ini, jika memungkinkan pengerjaan proyek lebih awal.
Demikian atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormar kami,

Cedric Gibson

5. Contoh surat formal untuk acara widuda dalam bahasa inggris

maksudnya widuda itu apa

6. contoh surat formal dalam bahasa inggris. Boleh gambar.


Jln. Sentosa No. 55 Bogor

Telephone. 4321009


Number   : 0234/November/2016                                                     11 November 2016

Subject    : Request Meeting

Appendix : -


Mr. Agus Saputra

Marketing Manager


With respect,

Ceremony to celebrate the birthday of our company, through this letter we invite all managers PT Melingkar Bakti to attend the preparatory meeting to be held on:

Day/Date : Monday / 14 November 2016

Hours      : 9:00 to 12:00

Place       : Multipurpose Building

Since you are an organizer in this event, we hope that you will be able to come. Thank you for your attention.



chairman of the committee

7. Buatkanlah contoh surat undangan non formal dalam bahasa Inggris .

it's a birthday bash!
Briana's 2nd Birthday
saturday ,may 5th 2017 from 2-5 pm
splash park
123 Birthday Lane
smiw city SC 12345
Don't forget your swimsult and rowelll

8. contoh singkat surat formal dan informal dalam bahasa inggris

Informal :AndinaJl. Sukamenanti, 16Semarang 2030Hello my friend, how are you there? I hope you are good. I miss you because we have not met in a long time. Do you miss me too? If you are on vacation, I hope you can visit Lampung. I’m sure you will love it because it is a beautiful city. I will take you to many places like Kiluan bay and to the most beautiful places in Indonesia. I know that you love surfing and I have so many secret places for you to surf, so I recommend you to visit here a couple of weeks.Hopefully we can meet soon, my best friend..Your friend,Tika

Formal :June 16, 2014
Mr. Bambang nurrohmanHeadmaster of SMA 12Bandar lampung
Dear sir,On behalf of the class XIA, i am writing this to ask for your permission to hold  an end-of-year party on June 30th, 2014. We would like to use  XIA for the party and will make sure that it is cleaned up after the party.
Mr. Yayan Mulyana, our English teacher, would be the person in charge for this event. He will be with us during the party.
Hopefully, you would kindly allow us to use the classroom. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Bayu Pramono Adi XIA class captain

9. contoh surat undangan formal dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya


To = All of colleger
Approaching the last semester exam, University announces to all of colleger
to take the exam identity card immediately. For all those, Colleger must to finishing the semester cost before November, 15 2017
Best regards = Administrative headmaster

10. buat kan surat formal dalam bahasa inggris


Contoh Surat Resmi


15 Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dan Terbaru

Published on April 8, 2018

Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan kecanggihan teknologi, penggunaan surat juga semakin berkurang belakangan ini. Jika dulu kebanyakan orang menggunakan surat sebagai media komunikasi, maka berbeda dengan sekarang dimana orang lebih suka menggunakan telepon, e-mail, ataupun whatsapp dan media sosial lainnya.
Namun hal tersebut tentu saja tidak berlaku bagi semua kalangan. Jika penggunaan surat pada kalangan pribadi atau perseorangan semakin berkurang, berbeda dengan perusahaan, instansi pemerintahan, lembaga, dan organisasi yang masih banyak menggunakan surat hingga saat ini.

Table of Contents

Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Contoh Surat Resmi Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris

2. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lamaran Kerja

3. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Berupa Keluhan

4. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Penambahan Buku

5. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pemesanan Barang Furniture

6. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pesanan Konveksi

7. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pemberian Kuasa

8. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pemberian Tugas

9. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Undangan Rapat Perusahaan

10. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Undangan OSIS

11. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Undangan RT

12. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pengunduran Diri

13. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pemberitahuan Workshop

14. Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Pemberitahuan Sekolah

15. Contoh Surat Resmi Bisnis Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kesimpulan Dan Pentingnya Surat Resmi

Contoh Surat Resmi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ada banyak jenis surat resmi yang mungkin sudah pernah anda lihat, atau  bahkan anda tulis sendiri. Seperti biasa, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam penulisan surat resmi, antara lain memiliki kop surat, memiliki isi yang singkat, padat, dan jelas, serta penggunaan bahasa dan penulisan yang sesuai dengan ejaan yang disempurnakan.
Untuk anda yang sudah terbiasa menangani surat menyurat tentu hal tersebut bukanlah hal yang susah untuk anda kerjakan. namun jika anda masih belajar dalam menulis surat resmi, maka tentu anda harus memperhatikan beberapa hal di atas yang menjadi ciri khas dari penulisan surat resmi. Hal tersebut mutlak harus dipenuhi agar isi dan informasi pada surat tersebut bisa tersampaikan dengan baik.

Berikut adalah beberapa jenis dan contoh surat resmi dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa anda jadikan bahan referensi dalam menulis surat resmi.

1. Contoh Surat Resmi Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sekolah sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan memang seringkali menggunakan surat resmi atau surat dinas. Surat resmi ini bisa ditujukan kepada sekolah lain, guru – guru di sekolah tersebu, kepada orang tua siswa, atau bahkan kepada siswa mereka sendiri. Salah satu jenis surat yang sering digunakan berupa surat pemberitahuan atau pengumuman kepada orang tua siswa mengenai sesuatu hal yang berkaitan dengan siswa.

Kertosari Street No 87 Banyuwangi
No. Phone. (0333) 41678
Banyuwangi, April 7, 2018
No: 71/ SMAN 1 Banyuwangi / 15/2018
Attachment: –
Subject: Announcement
Parents of Class XII
SMA Negeri 1 Banyuwangi
With respect,
To increase the students’ knowledge of SMAN 1 Banyuwangi, especially class XII. So, at this time we intend to conduct a field study for students of both social studies and science outside of school. The event will be held on :

Day/Date:Sunday/April 12, 2018Time:08.00 – endPlace:Botanical GardensEvent:Rare Plants Research
We hope you can give permission to your children to join this activity. Thanks for your attention.
The Principal of SMAN 1 Banyuwangi,

11. contoh isi surat formal dalam bahasa inggris

ini contohnya formal resignation letter Bandar Lampung Februari 25. 2015 To: hidayat santoso the general Manager two brothers. company bright Street,no 03 Jakarta Barat,Jakarta,54321 Dear Sir I would like to inform you that i decided to quit My position as marketing Manager in 2 Brothers Company, effective on February26. 2015. Thanks for the support And The opportunity that you had given for me since I worked at this company I really enjoyed my precious years for cooperating with you and all the employees of this company.actually This is difficult decision for me to this company but I realized that I have to develope my Career in different field and places hopefully.this company keeps moving forward and constantly developing If there is a job I have to finish before i go please inform me thank you for your attention and windsome with regards Abraham Saputra.

12. tuliskan contoh surat undangan formal dalam bahasa inggris​


Dear Mr. Rahmawan & Mrs. Rahmawan,

By the God’s blessing and mercy, we would like to invite you to the marriage of our daughter and son:

Sayyidah Linia Mumtaz, S. Ag

(Third daughter of Mr. Absoni and Mrs. Santi)


Muhammad Umar Faruq, ST

(First son of Mr. Hadi Susanto and Mrs. Aminah)

The wedding will be held on:

Saturday, Februari 16, 2020

10.00 AM – 01.00 PM

Ballroom Hotel Utami, Jl. Juanda No. 15

Surabaya, East Java

We look forward for the honor of your presence to celebrate together and give the blessing for us.


maaf kalo salah

jadi kan jawaban terbaik ya

Undangan Pernikahan Bahasa Inggris


Tiara Putri Andini

By requesting mercy and blessings God

With this we invite you to come to our marriage and wedding ceremony

Wich will be held on:

Day: Friday

Date: 7th June, 2019

Place: Al-Aqsha Mosque

Batu Raden Street No. 110

Gunung Kidul


The wedding ceremony will be held on:

Day: Sunday

Date: 9th June, 2019

Venue: Al-Aqsha Convention Hall

Batu Raden Street No. 110

Gunung Kidul


Is a happiness for us if you can come and give your prayer to us.

Thank you very much.


13. tulis contoh surat formal dalam bahasa Inggris ​


Contoh Surat Resmi / formal Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lamaran Kerja

Bandung, April 7, 2018

Dear Sir or Madam,

Principal Majalah Kita

Jl. Perjuangan No. 123


In accordance with your advertisement at Republik Post at April 6, 2018, I am really interested in applying the position as a writer in Majalah Kita due to my qualified background as you requires.

I have an ability in English writing because I am the student of English Study Program in University of Muhammadiyah Metro. I won many English writing competition when I was in senior high school. For further details, you can read my resume. Furthermore, I have been living around Metro This may be a good chance for me to concentrate in this position.

I look forward to meeting you and encouraged to be interviewed soon. I can be reached at the above phone number or email. Finally, I greatly appreciate your consideration.


Anton Jaya


saya beri 2 contoh surat formal

Contoh Formal Letter Kepada Guru

SMA Nusa Dua

Melati Street, Jakarta

Jakarta, 21 May, 2021

No: 15/V/2021

Attachment: –

To: Mr. Haryadi, S.Pd.

With respects,

To enhance the competence of students, the school intends to conduct the school research competition. All students can join this competition by submitting their best research. Therefore, we appoint Mr. Haryadi as the head committee of this competition. Further information will be given soon.

We hope that you will receive this opportunity. Thanks for your attention.

The Principal of SMA Nusa Dua

Nugraha, M.Pd.

Contoh Formal Letter Sebagai Undangan

Sub District of Melati Area

Melati Street No. 31

Jakarta, 14 May, 2021

No: 18/V/IX/2021

Attachment: –

To: The people in Sub District Melati

With respect,

Due to the effect of the heavy rain and flood, there are many trash and fallen trees in our sub-district. Therefore, we will conduct community service on:

Day/Date: Sunday, 30 May 2021

Time: 08.00 – 10.00 a.m.

Venue: The protocol street of Melati District

We hope for your participation. Thanks for your attention.

The Head of Melati Sub District

14. bagaimana contoh mengirim surat formal dalam bentuk bahasa inggris ?

contoh surat formal seperti undangan pernikahan.
harus ada pengirimnya, tanggal, alamat, dan penerimanya

semoga membantu^^

15. contoh surat undangan rapat yang formal berbahasa inggris

Dear All Staff
From DIrecture
Pada hari minggu, akan diadakan rapat bulanan

16. contoh surat formal dan informal bahasa inggris​


surat informal contoh nya:

January 10th, 2021

Dear Grandpa,

How are you grandpa? I was really happy to see you and Grandma at my graduation ceremony, and I hope you’re recovering from your high blood pressure soon.

Do you mind if I visit you on Saturday? I’d really like to show you my new cat. I think you’ll adore her. Her name is Susan, and I got her last week. For your information, she’s your favorite breed: an angora cat, just like Soho!

I’m excited to come and to see you soon. Let me know if Saturday will be ok for my coming.



Surat Formal contohnya:


Jl. Perjuangan No. 123


Jakarta,Januari 10,2021


Mr. Bagus Setiawan

Customer Service Manager

Super Electronics

Pahlawan Street No 67

Bandar Lampung, Lampung

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to make complaint regarding the product that I purchased recently. I bought a washing machine with serial number no. 1234.567 and product model no. 9876.432 from one of your outlet in Dirgantara Street, no. 15, Metro, Lampung.

The product did not work properly. Its water player cannot move and when it operates the machine became very hot quickly. I have lodged a complaint on your customer service center, but there is no respond or action taken till now.

I have been a customer of your outlet for long, but this incident made me disappointed with the service you provide. Therefore, I ask want you to take an action to resolve this problem as early as possible. I attached a copy of the bill and photos of the product.


Anton Jaya


Surat formal memiliki fungsi dan tujuan yang hanya digunakan untuk keperluan resmi, dibuat oleh perusahaan/instansi/organisasi/lembaga dengan maksud tertentu.

surat informal hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi, dibuat oleh perorangan untuk orang lain atau kelompok.


The school era end, the memories live, and our friendship still as our school life”
The committee of the reunion
of the graduating class of 1990
invites our friends out there to
our 25th years of reunion.
The reunion will take on
August 30th, 2015
start at 18.00 on Hotel Malioboro, Yogyakarta.
It is a great happiness to gather with all friends from the graduating class of 1990.
We will gather to share the experience of life and recall our young era memories.
The reunion will be preceded by the light dinner at 19.00 pm
then we will have the memories time.

Please register yourself on
Meli 0853 6574 ******
Jansen 0899 **************
The registration will close on August 10th, 2015.
Thank you.

18. contoh surat formal graduation dalam bahasa inggris

All students Grade IX
You are invited to:
SMPN Sukorambi Jember

Day/Date  : Saturday, 6 June 2013
Time         : 10.00 a.m.
Venue       : Ball Room, Bandung Permai Hotel Jl. Hayam Wuruk Jember.

Come and join us.
* Invitation cards are available at the OSIS room. 

19. contoh surat non formal dalam bahasa inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari​

invitation, advertisement

20. contoh surat formal dan informal dalam bahasa inggris.

Jl. Maju Sejahtera no. 24 Bandar Lampung
No telp. 4321009

Number: 045/Nov/2014 18th November, 2014
Subject: Meeting Request
Appendix: –

Mr. Ario Nugroho
Manager Marketing
PT. Angkasa Jaya

With respect,

To celebrate the anniversary ceremony of our company, through this letter we invite all managers of PT. Angkasa Jaya to attend the preparation meeting which will be held on:

Day / date: Thursday / 20th November 2014
Hours: 9:00 to 12:00 pm
Venue: Multipurpose Hall

Because you are a committee in this agenda, we hope that you will be able to come. Thanks for your attention.

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Contoh Surat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Formal Contoh Surat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Formal Reviewed by Derby on September 11, 2022 Rating: 5

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