Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
Who are you?
Are you okay?
My name is Fafa.
Nice to meet you
See you later
I am fine
Where are you now?
I know that
I am sorry
I don't know
#Kalau salah maaf1. a: what did you do 1hours ago?
b: studied
2. a: why are you late yesterday?
b: i helped my mom in the kitchen
3. a: where did you go last holiday?
b: i went to my grandpa house
4. a: did you bought this book last night?
b: yeah i did
5. a: did you watched Arsenal played football?
b: didn't, i went to my friend house
6. a: did you go to library 2hours ago?
b: yeah , but it's too noisy
7. a : did you play with ardy?
b : didnt , cause i studied last morning
8. a: why you did this?
b : cause i confused
9. a: did you go to somewhere yesterday?
b: yeah , i gone to mall in down town
10. a: did you do your job be carefull?
b : yeaah i did it ! its so easy
#smoga membantu#
2. percakapan bahasa inggris yang dilakukan 3 orang menggunakan simple present tense
Megan: "hi Sarah! why you didn't come to my party last night?"
Sarah:"I'm sorry megan i have to take care of my cousin because she just arrived last night from Tokyo"
Megan:" Is that your cousin?"
Sarah:"oh yeah, Kinata this is megan, megan this is kinata"
Kinata:"Hi megan im sorry because of me sarah can't go to your party"
Megan:"too bad you guys missed our firework and my mom made us delicious cheesecake"
Kinata:" i loved cheesecake and im sure that your mommy is best chef"
Megan:"yeah she is"
Sarah:"but you forgot about my alergic to cheesecake megan"
Kinata:"yeah it's right she so alergic about cheese but im love it"
Megan:"oh yeah im sorry i forgot, well next week i will throw another party, i hope you guys can come ok!"
Sarah:"ok! i will not make you dissapointed again!"
3. Buatlah percakapan bahasa inggris menggunakan simple past tense dan present perfect tense secara singkat!
contoh past tense
+ I saw Jumintem’s boyfriend yesterday.
contoh present ferfect tense
(+) Rahmina has studied four traditional languages.
(-) Rahmina has not studied four traditional languages.
(?) Has Rahmina studied four traditional languages?
4. Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan gabungan antara simple present, past tense dan past perfect tense! Yg bisa bhs inggris dong bantuannya...
Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan gabungan antara simple present, past tense dan past perfect tense yaitu
Teacher: Good morning, class.
Students: Good morning, Miss Ayu.
Teacher: We have learned about verbal simple present tense. And today we will study verbal past tense. When do we use past tense?
Student A: We use it to talk something in the past.
Teacher: Yes, you're right. Can you give an example?
Student B: We had been surprised when our teacher took an English test without telling us.
Teacher: Hahaha...I'm sorry.
Kalimat yang menunjukkan simple present tense yaitu
Teacher: .... When do we use past tense?
Student A: We use it to talk something in the past.
Kalimat yang menunjukkan past tense yaitu
Student B: We had been surprised when our teacher took an English test without telling us.
Kalimat yang menunjukkan past perfect tense yaitu
Student B: We had been surprised when our teacher took an English test without telling us.
Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai past perfect tense mengenai
5. contoh percakapan bahasa inggris simple present continuous tense yang bercerita tentang yang sedang terjadi di dalam kelas
disuruh buat karangan?
6. Cerita bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan simple present tense,simple past tense,future tense dan perfect tense
yesterday i brought a rice and 5 minute later i have eaten it so now i'm full
7. lagu bahasa inggris yang menggunakan simple present tense
lagunya good morning`` nice see your smiling face
good morning to you and to youchrismast reasons is the season why im not my lord and i
patis kau
8. Deskripsi kelas dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan simple present tense dan present continous
the class is a unity from all unsure
9. Fungsi simple present tense menggunakan bahasa inggris
Simple present tense is used to express a habits, facts (general truths), instructions, and wishes.
1. she eats rice everyday (habit)
2. the earth is round (general truth)
3. cut the paper (instruction)
4. i hope you have a merry Christmas (wish)
semoga membantu :) jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :) It is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements.
10. 20 percakapan bersama teman dalam bahasa Inggris dan mengunakan simple present tense.tolong bantu jawab
Friend 1: Hey, what are you doing today?
Friend 2: I'm just going to the park to have a picnic with my family.
Friend 1: That sounds like fun. What are you bringing for the picnic?
Friend 2: I'm bringing sandwiches, fruits, and some drinks. How about you?
Friend 1: I'm just going to watch a movie at the cinema with my friends. We always enjoy the latest blockbuster films.
Friend 2: Nice. What kind of movie do you like the most?
Friend 1: I like action movies and comedies. How about you?
Friend 2: I like dramas and romantic comedies. They always make me feel good.
Friend 1: Yeah, good movies always lift your mood. Have a great time at the park!
Friend 2: Thanks! You too at the cinema!
11. Percakapan mengenai tentang masalah ekonomi indonesia dalam masa pendemi virus corona dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan simple present tense dan simple past tense
Jack : Hello Anthony
Anthony : Howdy, Jack!
Jack : Where did you go yesterday? I Saw you went outside with car.
Anthony : Well, I bought some food for my supply. This pandemic makes loss in many places, such as healthy and economy of the world.
Jack : Yes, I'm agree. This pandemic is possible to make many countries' economy decreased.
Anthony : It's possible.
Jack : Moreover we can't work then we can't buy food for our needs.
Anthony : This pandemic probably the vengeance of the nature for human's greed.
Jack : Yea, we cut many trees, and built building on it and made our world worse and worse.
Anthony : I hope this world be better so we can do everything like before.
Jack : Yea, you're right. Okay then, i need to go. Don't forget to stay healthy and clean.
Anthony : Thank you, Bud! See ya after this pandemic ends.
Maaf kalau ada beberapa kata yang salah penempatannya. Saya sudah berusaha semampu saya
12. Percakapan bhs inggris tentang simple past tense dan present perfect tense
The boys came to class last day
Simple past tense^
present perfect tense
I am bullying the girl at the station
Good luck!
13. lagu bahasa inggris yang menggunakan simple present tense?
Goodbye My LoverDid I disappoint you or let you down?Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.So I took what's mine by eternal right.Took your soul out into the night.It may be over but it won't stop there,I am here for you if you'd only care.You touched my heart you touched my soul.You changed my life and all my goals.And love is blind and that I knew when,My heart was blinded by you.I've kissed your lips and held your hand.Shared your dreams and shared your bed.I know you well, I know your smell.I've been addicted to you.NO PROMISES
Hey baby, when we are together
Hei kasih, tiap kali kita bersama
Doing things that we love
Lakukan yang kita suka
Every time you're near
Tiap kali kau di dekatku
I feel like I'm in heaven
Rasanya kuberada di surga
Feeling high
Begitu bahagia
I don't want to let go, girl
Tak ingin kulepaskan, kasih
I just need you to know girl
Ku hanya ingin kau tahu, kasih
I don't wanna run away
Aku tak ingin lari menjauh
Baby you're the one I need tonight
Kasih, kaulah yang kubutuhkan malam ini
No promises
Bukan janji-janji
Baby, now I need to hold you tight
Kasih, kuingin mendekapmu erat
I just wanna die in your arms
Kuingin mati dalam dekapmu
Here tonight
Di sini malam ini
14. contoh percakapan dalam bahasa inggris yang isinya ada tense : simple present tense, simple past tense , simple future tense , present continious tense, present perfect tense, past continious tense .
I eat rice. (present tense)
I ate rice (past tense)
I will eat rice (future tense)
I am visiting South Korea tomorrow (continous tense)
I have visited South Korea (perfect tense)
I was visiting South Korea last year (past continuous tense)
Arya : Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?
Erna : Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya : What do you mean?
Erna : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya : Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is your hobby?
Arya : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called hobby.
Arya : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna : Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?
Arya : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet been published. How about your stamps collection?
Erna : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other stamps.
Arya : Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit expensive.
Arya : Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.
Erna : Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya : Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna : Thank you.
15. Cerita bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan simple present tense,simple past tense,future tense dan perfect tense
Hello Verasilvania15
Once upon a time, there was a man who stared at the moon. "The moon is always beautiful whenever I look at it", said the man. "I will go there someday", said the man confidently."I have traveled all over the world, so going there is just a matter of time", said the man. The next morning, the man died because of cancer.
The end
16. percakapan bahasa inggris simple present tense 2 orang singkat
A : hey
B : hi how are you?
A : I'm fine. how about you?
B : Me either. What if we go to cinema and watch a movie?
A : I'm sorry but my mom is sick so i need to stay with her
B : I'm sorry to hear that. Hoping her feel better
A : Yeah thank you so much
jawabannya adalah what is your name
17. Contoh dialog bahasa inggris yang menggunakan simple present tense dan simple past tense dan juga vocab untuk percakapan 4 orang
a : what does your father works?
b : my father works at office
A : "What did you do last week?"
B : "You mean when holiday?"
A : "Yes. where were you go"
B : "I went to Surabaya with C"
C : "Yes, that was so good time"
A : "You are so cool guys, spent your holiday together. that was wonderful!"
D : "And how about you A? "
B : "Yes, how about you? "
A : "I just spent my holiday in hospital"
C : "What?! why? did you ill?"
A : "No.. my grandma hospitalized and i had to took care of her."
B : "Sorry to hear that.. but how about her condition now? "
A : "She's much better."
D : "Don't be sad A, you are a great grandchild anyway and we respect it so much."
C : "Yes A, you were amazing to took care of her!"
A : "But don't you think I wasn't enjoy my time as over? "
B : "But you did it well. so, I'll bring you with me to go some place for the next holiday."
C : "Can I join you again B? "
D : "Yes! can I join so? "
B : "Why not?! all of you just join with me I will be happy! "
A+C+D : "Thanks B!"
B : "Don't mention it because you guys are my wonderful friends! let's back to the class, the bell is ringing! "
18. Contoh dialog bahasa inggris yang menggunakan simple present tense dan simple past tense dan juga vocab untuk percakapan 4 orang
A:Hello everyone
D:Hayy, whats going on?
A: Nothing, every thing is fine
B: Hay guys i have a question about yesterday event, will you all please tell me what did you do in yesterday shcoll trip at this time?
C: i wrote summary about some books
A: slept
D: I forgot
19. Contoh dialog bahasa inggris yang menggunakan simple present tense dan simple past tense dan juga vocab untuk percakapan 4 orang
cast :
Jevano : "Hi guys!!"
Yael : "Hey, so.. what did you do yesterday night? After we spent our time at cafe."
Jevano : "Well.. the truth is, I went to theater with one of my friend. Since you guys didn't want to join me."
Kenzie : "Sorry bro, but that time, I really went home and washed blackies."
Calluela : "Your dog?"
Kenzie : "Dogs."
Yael : "And I worked at one of cafe that usually call me when they need me. And last night, they said they needed me so I came there and played a piano for them."
Calluela : "If you asked me last night. I think I can company your."
Jevano : "What?! Why don't you tell me?!"
Calluela : "Why don't you ask me~"
Kenzie : "Okay stop it guys. So, do you want to join us?"
Jevano : "Join what?"
Yael : "We are playing riight now."
Calluela : "Yeah, we always play when we meet."
Kenzie : "You got the point, Lulu. So you want to join or not?"
Jevano : "I will pass for now."
Yael : "What?! You are not fun, Vano."
Jevano : "Sorry, but I have to work to night. So I will pass for now. Thank you for invite me, anyway."
Kenzie : "Well.. we can't force you to join us. I wish you lucky for your work."
Yael : "Hm.. I don't want to say it but good luck."
Calluela : "Yeah, good luck."
Jevano : "Thank your guys, I'm really happy that I have a good friend like you all."
well,,, that's all, semoga membantu ya ^^
20. contoh cerita pendek dengan bahasa inggris, menggunakan simple present tense dan simple past tense?
the title is " my holiday in nani house "
last week , i went to nany house . my nany house is in New delhi , India . the house has a big garden and pool with colorful flowers .
in the morning , nany's maid give me some breakfast . after that , my nany accompany me to the pond around her house . i love that . i love the scenery at there .
but , my holiday is unlucky . because , my grandpa died before i went to there . my nany was excited .
i hope , next holiday my nany can visited my country ...
sorry , if that is worst .. it's my story :)
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