Contoh Kalimat Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Aktif Dan Pasif

Contoh Kalimat Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Aktif Dan Pasif

Contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif yang sama dari tense simple future,future continuous,future perfect,future perfect continuous,simple future past tense,future past continuous,future past perfect,future past perfect continuous tense

Daftar Isi

1. Contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif yang sama dari tense simple future,future continuous,future perfect,future perfect continuous,simple future past tense,future past continuous,future past perfect,future past perfect continuous tense


simple future


i will draw cute character for my comic


The cute character will be drawn by me for my comic

future continue


i will be drawing cute character for my comic


The cute character will be being drawn by me for my comic

future perferct


i will have drawn cute character for my comic


The cute character will have been drawn by me for my comic

future perferct continue


i will have been drawing cute character for my comic


The cute character Will have been being drawn by me for my comic

simple future past


i would draw cute character for my comic


The cute character would be drawn by me for my comic

future past continuous


i would be drawing cute character for my comic


The cute character would be being drawn by me for my comic

future past perferct


i would have drawn cute character for my comic


the cute character would have been drawn by me for my comic

future past perferct continuous


i would have been drawing cute character for my comic


the cute character would have been being drawn by me for my comic

2. 1.simple present tense- he washes his shirt (aktif)- (pasif)2.present continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)3. past tense- (aktif)- (pasif)4. past continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)5. past perfect- (aktif)- (pasif)6. present perfect tense- (aktif)- (pasif)7. present perfect continuous tense- (aktif) - (pasif)8.past perfect continuous tense- (aktif)- (pasif)9. simple future(will)- (aktif)- (pasif)10. simple future(be going to)- (aktif)- (pasif)11. simple future ( would)- (aktif)- (pasif)12. simple future (be going to)- (aktif)- (pasif)13. future perfect continuous tense - (aktif)- (pasif)tolong mohon bantuannya ya besok mau di kumpul pliss makasih​


i eat pentol ,i am eating pentol,i have ate pentol,ihave been eating pentol


3. contoh kalimat positif,negarif tanya dari present perfect tense present perfect continuous tense Simple Past Tense past continuous tense past perfect tense past perfect continuous tense simple future tense future continuous tense future perfect tense future perfect continuous tense Simple Past future tense past future continuous tense past future perfect tense past future perfect continuous tense​











sorry cuman bisa bantu segini

4. contoh kalimat yang mengandung kalimat pasif dalam bentuk tenses past tense, past continuous tense dan past perfect!


Contoh kalimat yang mengandung kalimat pasif dalam bentuk past tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect yaitu

Passive past tense:

The ant was mocked by the grasshopper. The grasshopper was replied with good words by the ant.

Passive past continuous tense:

The grasshopper's time was being enjoyed and just did nothing. A lot of food was being collected by the ant for the winter.

Passive past perfect tense:

The ant had been mocked by the grasshopper who collected a lot of food. The ant had been asked to sing and dance together by the grasshopper.


Bentuk active dari keenam kalimat di atas adalah

The grasshopper mocked the ant. The ant replied the grasshopper with good words.

The grasshopper was enjoying his time and just did nothing. The ant was collecting a lot of food for the winter.

The grasshopper had mocked the ant who collected a lot of food. The grasshopper had asked the ant to sing and dance together.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi passive voice pada


5. simple present : Revi studie engglis one on a week ubah menjadi kalimat Present future tense, Past future tense, Present continuous tense, Past continuous tense, Present future tense, Past future tense, Present future continuous tense, Past future continuous tense, Present future perfect tense, Past future perfect tense, Present future perfect continuous tense, Past future perfect continuous tense​


Revi studying English one on a week


(memakai cara present continuous tens)

6. Berikan 10 contoh kalimat aktif & pasif Future Perfect Continuous Tense​


maaf ini pelajaran apa

ini pelajaran apa yak


sorry gak tahu

7. Fungsi present perfect, present perfect continuous tense, simple past tense, past cotinuous tense, past perfect tense, past perfect continuous tense, simple future, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense Tolong di bantu!!!

Present perfect tense untuk mengungkapkan kejadian di masa lalu tanpa peduli kapan tepatnya terjadi.

Present perfect continuous tense untuk menunjukkan aksi yang telah selesai pada suatu titik dimasa lampau diikuti relevansinya dengan kondisi saat ini (present).

Simple past tense untuk membicarakan aksi yang terjadi dengan durasi waktu tertentu di masa lampau.Preposition “for” dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan periode waktu kejadian.

Past continuous tense untuk mengindikasikan suatu aksi yang terjadi selama momen tertentu di masa lampau.

Past perfect tense untuk menunjukkan seberapa sering sesuatu terjadi di masa lampau.

Past perfect continuous tense untuk mengekspresikan aksi yang panjang di masa lampau sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.

Simple future tense (will) untuk membuat keputusan secara spontan untuk melakukan sesuatu (tanpa rencana).

Future continuous tense untuk mengindikasikan suatu aksi yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa depan.

Future perfect tense untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas yang akan sudah selesai atau terjadi sebelum aktivitas lain dilakukan di masa depan.

Future perfect continuous tensedigunakan untuk membicarakan tentang aksi yang panjang sebelum titik waktu tertentu di masa depan.

8. Buatlah masing masing satu kalimat active voice dari1. present perfect continuous tense 2. past perfect continuous tense 3. future perfect tense 4. past future perfect tense 5. future perfect continuous tense 6. past future perfect continuous tense.lalu ubah kalimat ke passive voice ​


1) ActiveandPassiveVoice"PresentPerfectContinuousTense".






ActiveVoice:Angelina has been practicing her English ability.

PassiveVoice:Practicing English has been being ability by Angelina.

2) ActiveandPassiveVoice"PastPerfectContinuousTense".


Subject +Tobe+Been+Verb(ing)+O/C.




ActiveVoice:Sam was tired because he had been jogging.

PassiveVoice:Jogging had been being tired by Sam.

3) ActiveandPassiveVoice"FuturePerfectTense".




Subject+ Will+ Have + Been + V3 + by...


ActiveVoice:She will have won the first prize.

PassiveVoice:The first prize will have been won by her.

4) ActiveandPassiveVoice"PastFuturePerfectTense".







I would have been eating dinner with my friends today. Angelina would have been gone to the salon after lunch. I would have been studying about martial arts.


Dinner would have been eaten today by my friends and meSalon would have been gone after lunch by Angelina.Martial arts would have been studied about by me.

5) ActiveandPassiveVoice"FuturePerfectContinuousTense".









My friend will have been graduating from University of Indonesia by the end of this month.We will have been singing a few song at the party.I will have been listening a music tonight.Emily have been feeding the cat.


University of Indonesia will have been being graduated by the end of this month by my friend.A few song will have been being sung at the party by us. A music will have been being listened by me.The cat will have been being fed by Emily.

6) ActiveandPassiveVoice"PastFuturePerfectContinuousTense".







I would have been driving the car.Angelina and her family would have been living at their new house if its construction had finished.We would have been leaving on vacation in Bali island.They would have been playing martial arts.I would have been sleeping to finish my homework.We would have been going to the cinemas tonight.She would have been eating health food because it is good for health.We would have been going to the museum.I would have been learning Japanese language.We would have been learning Thai language.We would have been going to martial arts.


The car would have been being driven by me.Their new house would have been being left if its construction had finished by Angelina and her family.Bali island would have been being left by us.Martial arts would have been being played by them.My homework would have been being slept by me.Health food would have been being eaten because it is good for health by her.The museum would have been being gone by us.Japanese language would have been being learnt by me.Thai language would have been being learnt by us.Martial arts would have been being gone by us.


I hope this help

9. Contoh kalimat aktif simple present continuous tense,past continuous tense,simple suture tense,future continuous tense,present perfect tense,past perfect tense,future perfect tense... Tolong di bantu!! penting

simple future tense : I think it will rain tonight.
future continuous tense : I'll be working all evening so I won't be able to see you.
future perfect tense : by the end of year your new servant will have broken all your cups / when we reach the next harbor we will have sailed halfway around the worldThe simple continuos tense/present
1. My father is reading a mews paper today.
2. My sister is writing a novel at the present.
3. Mr.Adnan is washing a car now
4. Alza is drawing a reog ponorogo at the present
5. Raffi is watering the plants at the moment

The past contiuos tense
1. I was watching television last night
2. We were playing football yerterday
3. My aunt was cooking sandwich last night
4. Diza was singing a song last week
5. Mrs.Filzah was reading a dictionary two day ago

The present future tense
1. Qaleysia will go to market tomorrow
2. Mrs.Siti will moppe the floor to night
3. Linda will write a novel soon
4. Adinda will prepare dinner to night
5. Suci will watch a sircus some day

10. coba bikin Present tense, past tense, future tense, present continuous, past continuous. Present perfect, past perfect, future perfect, present perfect continuous dengan kalimat yang sama dan juga memakai kalimat (+),(-),(?)

present :+ i like to read - i dont like to read ? do i like to read?
past : + i like to read - i didnt like to read ? did i like to read?
future : + i will read - i wont read ? will i read?
pres continuous: + i am reading - i am not reading ?am i reading?
past continuous : +i was reading - i wasnt reading ? was i reading?
future perf :: +i will have read - i will havent read ? will i have read?
present perfect continuous : i have been reading - i havent been reading ? have i been reading ?

11. Temukan bentuk / pola simple present, simple past, present perfect, past perfect, present continuous, past continuous, dan simple future secara aktif dan pasif. Cari contoh kalimat aktif dari tiap tense, dan coba ubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif.​



Simple Present : Subject + verb 1 s/es + Object

Simple Past : Subject + verb 2 + Object

Present Perfect : Subject + has/have + verb 3 + Object

Past Perfect : Subject + had + verb 3 + Object

Present Continuous : Subject + Is/Are + verb-ing + Object

Past Continuous : Subject + Was/Were + verb-ing + Object

Simple Future : Subject + Will + verb 1 + Object


Simple Present : Subject + is/are + verb 3 + object

Simple Past : Subject + was/were + verb 3 + object

Present Perfect : Subject + has/have + been + verb 3 + object

Past Perfect : Subject + had + been + verb 3 + object

Present Continuous : Subject + Is/Are + Being + verb 3 + object

Past Continuous : Subject + Was/Were + Being + verb 3 + object

Simple Future : Subject + Will + be + verb 3 + object

12. verba dari: Simple Past Future Tense Past Future Continuous Tense Past Future Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Simple Past:Killed
Future Tense:Will Kill
Past Future Perfect Tense: Would have killed
Past Future Perfect Tense:Would have been killing

13. buat contoh kalimat pasif sesuai dengan tense - simple present - simple past tense - present continuous - past continuous - present perfect - past perfect - simple future Berdasarkan kalimat positif, negatif dan tanya


Passive Voice "Simple Present Tense"


A lotus biscoff chesecake is made by me.

All plants are watered by me.

A new outfits are bought by me everyday.

A novel is written by Florence every month.

English are taught by me.

The glasses shoes is worn by Cinderella


A chocolate is not made by Sally.

The TV is not watched by me.

Bandung is not lived by him.

The glasses shoes is not worn by him.

Chinese are not learnt by Dimas and Farhan.

The building is not climbed by him.


Is the new handphone bought by her?

Are an all songs sung by me for us?

Is a roast chicken cooked by Tammy?

Are the snacks bought by you?

Are you contacted by them?

Is the perfume worn by her?

Passive Voice "Simple Past Tense"


The Fatahillah building were visited by us yesterday.

Ridwan Kamil was invited by me in the parliament building last year.

The steak was made by me.

Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch many years ago.

In 2002 was born by Lauren.

Samsung Galaxy was bought by me in the mall.


I wasn't invited to the my family party.

You weren’t accused of stealing money. 

Math wasn’t studied by last night.

Solo wasn't gone by me last year.

My homework wasn't done by me last week.

School weren't gone by Lina yesterday.


Were the Fatahillah building visited by us yesterday?

Was the steak made by you?

Were you invited to Mr. Handoko's daughter wedding ceremony last year?

When was Indonesia colonized by The Dutch East India Company?

When were moneys stolen from the bank?

Was any outfit bought for you?

Passive Voice "Present Continuous Tense"


A history book is being read by me.

Western food is being eaten by me.

Alicia is being called by him.

The gorgeous gown is being worn by her.

Tennis are being played by us.

Some outfit are being bought by me at the online shop.


A badminton is not being played by me.

This hotel are not being stayed by Athony and Lauren.

A novel is not being written by her.

Kuala Lumpur is not being gone by Natasha.

He is not being called by me.

Japanese is not being learned by him.


Are the best high ranking state officials being talked by you at the parliament building?

Is Ridwan called by you?

Are the music being listened by you now?

Is the cake being cooked by Annie?

Are the outfit being bought by you at online shop now?


I hope this help Please, jangan dihapus Maaf terlalu kepanjangan

14. Make the sentences into 16 tenses. 1. bill buys some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market every sunday. 2. my sister jill studies at university of airlangga surabaya this year. tolong ubah 2 kalimat diatas ke -present continuous tense -present perfect tense -present perfect continuous tense -past tense -past continuous tense -past perfect tense -past perfect continuous tense - future tense -future continuous tense -future past tense -future past continuous tense -future perfect tense -future perfect continuous tense -future past perfect tense -future past perfect continous tense tolong yg lengkap ya

ྀ༘ 16 Tenses ྀ༘


⓪ Present Tense

Bill buys some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market every sunday.My sister Jill studies at university of airlangga Surabaya this year.


Present Continuous Tense

Bill is buying some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market. My sister Jill is studying at university of airlangga Surabaya this year.

Present Perfect Tense

Bill has bought some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market. My sister Jill has studied at university of airlangga Surabaya this year.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Bill has been buying some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market.My sister Jill has been studying at university of airlangga Surabaya.

Past Tense

Bill bought some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market. My sister Jill studied at university of airlangga Surabaya.

Past Continuous Tense

Bill was buying some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market.My sister Jill was studying at university of airlangga Surabaya.

Past Perfect Tense

Bill had bought some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market.My sister Jill had studied at university of airlangga Surabaya.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Bill had been buying some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market.My sister Jill had been studying at university of airlangga Surabaya.

Future Tense

Bill will buy some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market.My sister Jill will study at university of airlangga Surabaya.

PresentFuture Continuous Tense

Bill will be buying some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market.My sister Jill will be studying at university of airlangga Surabaya.

Future Past Tense

Bill would buy some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market.My sister Jill would study at university of airlangga Surabaya.

PastFuture Past Continuous Tense

Bill would be buying some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market.My sister Jill would be studying at university of airlangga Surabaya.

PresentFuture Perfect Tense

Bill will have bought some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market. My sister Jill will have studied at university of airlangga Surabaya this year.

PresentFuture Perfect Continuous Tense

Bill will have been buying some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market. My sister Jill will have been studying at university of airlangga Surabaya this year.

PastFuture Perfect Tense

Bill would have bought some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market. My sister Jill will have studied at university of airlangga Surabaya this year.

Past Future Perfect Continous Tense

Bill would have been buying some vegetables with his sister in the traditional market. My sister Jill would have been studying at university of airlangga Surabaya this year.


⓪ Present Tense

(+) S + V1 (s/es) + O/C(–) S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O/C + ?

Present Continuous Tense

(+) S + is/am/are + V-ing + O/C(–) S + is/am/are + not + V-ing + O/C(?) Is/Am/Are + S + V-ing + O/C + ?

Present Perfect Tense

(+) S + has/have + V3 + O/C(–) S + has/have + not + V3 + O/C(?) Has/Have + S + V3 + O/C + ?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) S + has/have + been + V-ing + O/C(–) S + has/have + not + been + V-ing + O/C(?) Has/Have + S + been + V-ing + O/C + ?

Past Tense

(+) S + V2 + O/C(–) S + did + not + V1 + O/C(?) Did + S + V1 + O/C + ?

Past Continuous Tense

(+) S + was/were + V-ing + O/C(–) S + was/were + not + V-ing + O/C(?) Was/Were + S + V-ing + O/C + ?

Past Perfect Tense

(+) S + had + V3 + O/C(–) S + had + not + V3 + O/C(?) Had + S + V3 + O/C + ?

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) S + had + been + V-ing + O/C(–) S + had + not + been + V-ing + O/C(?) Had + S + been + V-ing + O/C + ?

PresentFuture Tense

(+) S + will + V1 + O/C(–) S + will + not + V1 + O/C(?) Will + S + V1 + O/C

PresentFuture Continuous Tense

(+) S + will + be + V-ing + O/C(–) S + will + not + be + V-ing + O/C(?) Will + S + be + V-ing + O/C + ?

PastFuture Tense

(+) S + would + V1 + O/C(–) S + would + not + V1 + O/C(?) Would + S + V1 + O/C

PastFuture Continuous Tense

(+) S + would + be + V-ing + O/C(–) S + would + not + be + V-ing + O/C(?) Would + S + be + V-ing + O/C + ?

PresentFuture Perfect Tense

(+) S + will + have + V3 + O/C(–) S + will + not + have + V3 + O/C(?) Will + S + have + V3 + O/C

Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(+) S + will + have + been + V-ing + O/C(–) S + will + not + have + been + V-ing + O/C(?) Will + S + have + been + V-ing + O/C + ?

Past Future Perfect Tense

(+) S + would + have + V3 + O/C(–) S + would + not + have + V3 + O/C(?) Would + S + have + V3 + O/C

Past Future Perfect Continous Tense

(+) S + would + have + been + V-ing + O/C(–) S + would + not + have + been + V-ing + O/C(?) Would + S + have + been + V-ing + O/C + ?

15. contoh kalimat past perfect continuous tense dan past future perfect tense dalam bentuk cerita yang faktual seperti apa?

Past Perfect Continous: I had been watching television all day.

16. Buatlah 3 kalimat tersebut: simple present tense, simple past tense, simple future tense, present perfect tense, past perfect tense, future perfect tense, present continuous tense, past continuous tense, dan past future tense.​


simple present tense :

- She enjoys playing the piano.

simple past tense :

- I watched a movie with my family yesterday.

simple future tense :

- He will go to the library tommorow.

present perfect tense :

- She has forgotten her homework.

past perfect tense :

- The plane had left by the time I got to the airport.

future perfect tense :

- He will have arrived.

present continuous tense :

- She is not going to the game tonight.

past continuous tense :

- I was making dinner when she arrived.

past future tense

- He said he would buy a house last year.

maaf kalau salah..

17. Tolong tuliskan struktur 16 tenses yang ada dalam bahasa inggris dengan lengkap. terima kasih kk! 1. Simple Present Tense 2. Present Continuous Tense 3. Present Perfect Tense 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense 5. Simple Past Tense 6. Past Continuous Tense 7. Past Perfect Tense 8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense 9. Simple Future Tense 10. Future Continuous Tense 11. Future Perfect Tense 12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense 13. Past Future Tense 14. Past Future Continuous Tense 15. Past Future Perfect Tense 16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense



1. Simple Present Tense

Verb :

(+) S + V1 (s/es)

(-) S + Do not/ Does not + V1

(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + ?

Non Verb :

(+) S + Am/Is/Are + Adjective/Noun

(-) S + Am not/Is not/Are not + Adjective/Noun

(?) Am/Is/Are + S + Adjective/Noun + ?

2. Present Continuous Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Am/Is/Are + Ving

(-) S + Am not/Is not/Are not + Ving

(?) Am/Is/Are + S + Ving + ?

We can’t use to be in continuous tenses

3. Present Perfect Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Have/Has + V3(ed)

(-) S + Have not/Has not + V3(ed)

(?) Have/Has + S + V3(ed) + ?

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Have/Has + Been + Ving

(-) S + Have not/Has not + Been + Ving

(?) Have/Has + S + Been + Ving + ?

We can’t use to be in continuous tenses

5. Simple Past Tense

Verb :

(+) S + V2(ed)

(-) S + Did not + V1

(?) Did + S + V1 + ?

Non Verb :

(+) S + Was/Were + Adjective/Noun

(-) S + Was not/Were not+ Adjective/Noun

(?) Was/Were + S + Adjective/Noun + ?

6. Past Continuous Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Was/Were + Ving

(-)  S + Was not/Were not + Ving

(?) Was/Were + S Ving + ?

We can’t use to be in continuous tenses

7. Past Perfect Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Had + V3 (ed)

(-) S + Had not + V3 (ed)

(?) Had + S + V3 (ed) + ?

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Had + Been + Ving

(-) S + Had not + Been + Ving

(?) Had + S + Been + Ving + ?

We can’t use to be in continuous tenses

9. Simple Future Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Will + V1

(-) S + Will not + V1

(?) Will + S + V1 + ?

Non Verb :

(+) S + Will + Be + Adjective/Noun

(-) S + Will not + Be + Adjective/Noun

(?) Will + S + Be + Adjective/Noun + ?

10. Future Continuous Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Will + Be + Ving

(-) S + Will not + Be + Ving

(?) Will + S + Be + Ving + ?

We can’t use to be in continuous tenses

11. Future Perfect Tense  

Verb :

(+) S + Will + Have + V3(ed)

(-) S + Will not + Have + V3(ed)

(?) Will + S + Have + V3(ed) + ?

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Will + Have + Been + Ving

(-) S + Will not + Have + Been + Ving

(?) Will + Have + S + Been + Ving + ?

We can’t use to be in continuous tenses

13. Past Future Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Would + V1

(-) S + Would not + V1

(?) Would + S + V1 + ?

14. Past Future Continuous Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Should/Would + Be + Ving

(-) S + Should not/Would not + Be + Ving

(?) Should/Would + S + Be + Ving + ?

15. Past Future Perfect Tense

Verb :

(+) S + Should/Would + Have + V3

(-) S + Should not/Would not + Have + V3

(?) Should/Would + S + Have + V3 + ?

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Verb :  

(+) S + Would Have + Been + Ving

(-) S + Would not have + Been + Ving

(?) Would Have + S +  Been + Ving + ?

18. Temukan bentuk / pola simple present, simple past, present perfect, past perfect, present continuous, past continuous, dan simple future secara aktif dan pasif. Cari contoh kalimat aktif dari tiap tense, dan coba ubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif.​



Simple Present : Subject + verb 1 s/es + Object

Simple Past : Subject + verb 2 + Object

Present Perfect : Subject + has/have + verb 3 + Object

Past Perfect : Subject + had + verb 3 + Object

Present Continuous : Subject + Is/Are + verb-ing + Object

Past Continuous : Subject + Was/Were +  verb-ing + Object

Simple Future : Subject + Will + verb 1 + Object


Simple Present : Subject + is/are +  verb 3 + object

Simple Past : Subject + was/were + verb 3 + object

Present Perfect : Subject + has/have + been + verb 3 + object

Past Perfect : Subject + had + been + verb 3 + object

Present Continuous : Subject + Is/Are + Being + verb 3 + object

Past Continuous : Subject + Was/Were + Being + verb 3 + object

Simple Future : Subject + Will + be + verb 3 + object


klo bisa jadiin Brainliest ya, klo gamau ya udh gpp, moga ngebantu.

19. 1.Berikan masing-masing 5 contoh kalimat positive, negative, introgative, wh question, tag question dari present perfect continuus tense, present future continuous tense, present future perfect tense, present future perfect continuous tense ? 2. Berikan masing-masing 5 contoh kalimat positive, negative, introgative, wh question, tag question dari past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, past future tense, past perfect continuous tense, past future continuous tense, past future perfect tense, past future perfect continuous tense ?

present continuous tense;
she is eating noodles, she is not eating noodles, is she eating noodles
i am studying english, i am not studying english, are you studying english?
my father is reading a newspaper, my father is not reading a newspaper, is your father reading a newspaper?
they are playing, they are not playing, are they playing?
the teacher is teaching now, the teacher is not teaching now, is the teacher teaching now?

past tense
i went to a zoo, i didn't go to a zoo, did you go to a zoo?
she studied math, she didn't study math, did she study math?
we played football, we didn't play football, did they play football?
the teacher taught yesterday, the teacher didn't teach yesterday, did the teacher teach yesterday?
my mother cooked in the kitchen, my mother didn't cook in the kitchen, did your mother cook in the kitchen?

20. Buatlah kedalam kalimat aktif dan pasif : Kalimat nya : lala menulis surat Tenses nya : simple present tense, present perfect continuous tense, past continuous tense, dan past perfect continuous tense

lala writer a letter
a letter is written by lalaactive
simple present - lala write a letter
past continuous - lala was writing a letter
a letter was written by lala

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Contoh Kalimat Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Aktif Dan Pasif Contoh Kalimat Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Aktif Dan Pasif Reviewed by Derby on January 20, 2023 Rating: 5

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