Contoh Dialog Capability And Incapability
Buatlah 1 dialog yang menyatakan capability/incapability,
1. Buatlah 1 dialog yang menyatakan capability/incapability,
These tests are beyond the capability of an average twelve-year-old.
2. pengertian incapability and capability
beberapa ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris untuk bertanya dan merespon tentang kemampuan dan ketidakmampuan
3. Identify the expression of capability and incapability! 1. Asking for capability : 2. Showing capability 3. Showing incapability :
1. Can you help me?
2. I could pass the examination
3. I'm not capable of doing my homework
Tolong buat 5 ekspresi kemampuan dan 5 ekspresi ketidakmampuan
5. The underlined sentance shows the expression of A:stating incapability B:stating capability C:asking capability D:asking for help
maaf, tapi ini tidak ada yg di garis bawahi
6. jelaskan apa yanag dimaksud dengan ungkapan capability dan incapability?
Sebutkan contoh-contoh ungkapan expression capability dan incapability ?
Ungkapan capability merupakan ungkapan yang difungsikan untuk menyatakan kemampuan untuk mengerjakan atau melakukan sesuatu hal. Sedangkan ada yang disebut dengan incapability. Incapability ini artinya adalah ketidakmampuan seseorang untuk melakukan suatu hal. Berikut contoh-contoh kata yang mengungkapkan capability dan incapability :
Kata-kata yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kemampuan (capability)
Can/could (bisa)
Could you borrow me little money?
Be able to (bisa)
They may be able to come to her party
Capable of (bisa)
She is capable of make a novel cover
Can afford to (Sanggup)
He can afford to forgive them
Have qualification (memiliki kemampuan)
My personal experience is have qualification to instal mikrotik server
Know how to (tahu caranya untuk)
She knows how to make a brownies
Good in (pandai dalam hal)
He loves music, but he also good in acting
Kata-kata yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ketidakmampuan (incapability)
Can/could not (tidak bisa)
He cannot sing . his voice is terrible
Be not able to (tidak bisa)
She may be not able to attend the meeting
Incapable of (tidak mampu)
He incapable of drive a car
Don’t know how to (tidak tahu cara untuk)
They don’t know how to enter that room
Semoga membantu ^^
Dan hey pilih jawabanku jadi jawaban tercerdas yaa (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Jawaban dan penjelasan:
*Capability* artinya kemampuan atau kesanggupan untuk melakukan atau mengerjakan sesuatu.
Capability termasuk kata benda.
Contoh kalimat capability:
-Can you help me? Yg artinya bisakah kamu menolongku?
Incapability Adalah penggunaaan kata-kata dalam ucapan dan keterangan makin luas dan banyak menggunakan kata-kata yang jarang digunakan.
* Capability * means the ability or ability to do or do something.
Capability includes nouns.
Capability example sentence:
-Can you help me?
Incapability is the use of words in speech and descriptions that is increasingly widespread and uses words that are rarely used.
#ttogttoghage hamkke baeuseyo
#Atama no naka de issho ni manabu
7. dialog capability and willingness.dan terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia
kemampuan dialog dan kemauan.
kemampuan dialog dan kemauan..=dialog capability and willingness
dialog capability and willingness=kemampuan dialog dan kemauan
terima kasih :)
semoga bermanfaat
8. contoh teks dialog sederhana yang memuat capability (can) and willingness (will)
Jevan : Hi Mark , How are you ?
Mark : I am fine , what are you doing here ?
Jevan : I will help my mother to prepair my party
Mark : Party?
Jevan : yes , my birthday party
Mark : Oh i forget , tomorrow you will birthday
Jevan : Um , Will you come to my birth day party ?
Mark : I can , i will come with my girlfriend
Jevan : Thank's you're my best friend
9. Contoh dialog incapability
Zico: Hy Nick!
(Hai Nick!)
Nick: Hay!
Zico: What’s that?
(Apa itu?)
Nick: This is my drawing book.
(Ini buku menggambar milikku.)
Zico: May I see it?
(Boleh aku lihat?)
Nick: Yes, of course.
(Ya tentu.)
Zico: Wow! These pictures are amazing. Did you draw all of these pictures?
(Wow! Gambar-gambar ini sangat bagus. Apa kamu yang menggambar semuanya?)
Nick: Yes. I am pretty good at drawing. How about you? You like to draw?
(Ya. Aku cukup mahir menggambar. Bagaimana denganmu? Kamu suka menggambar?)
Zico: I don’t know about drawing, but I am good at dancing.
(Aku tidak tahu tentang menggambar, tapi aku mahir menari.)
Nick: Really? Can you show me?
(Benarkah? Bisakah kamu tunjukkan?)
Zico: Yes, sure. Watch!
(Ya, tentu. Perhatikan!)
Nick: Wow! That’s cool!
(Wow! Itu keren!)
Zico: Thanks.
(Terima kasih.)
10. contoh dialog expressing capability
Nita : Oh my God my camera doesn't work well. Can you fix it Nando?
Nando : I will check it. (Nando is Checking the camera) Okay I am able to fix it. But I must take it to my home.
Nita : that's very kind of you. Thank you so much.
Nando : Never mind
11. Kalimat singkat capability beserta incapability dengan artinya
I have the capability to carry all the groceries with my mom
I have the incapability to do my homework alone at night
Saya memiliki kemampuan untuk membawa semua bahan makanan dengan ibu saya
Saya tidak mampu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah sendirian di malam hari
semoga membantu :3
I can draw a good view
(aku bisa menggambar pemandangan yang indah) <- capability
I can't eat seafood,i have an alergy
(aku tidak bisa memakan seafood,aku alergi) <- incapability
karena capability artinya kemampuan,maka menjawabnya dengan kata "can"
sedangkan incapability adalah ketidakmampuan,maka menjawabnya dengan kata "can't" atau "can not"
maaf klo ada yg salah
i hope i can help your homework (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
12. Please make 5 expression of capability and 5 expression of incapability
(Expressing capability / ability)
I think I can . . . .
Yes, I can
I thought I’m able to . . . . .
I think I’m capable enough.
I am capable of doing it
I’m able to……
I have the ability to do it
I’m good at . . . .
I can / could do it
(Showing incapability / inability)
I’m not sure I’m capable of doing it
I’m not capable of doing it
I am not able to……
I don’t think I can’t do it.
I am not good at…
I have no idea how…
I have no experience of…
No, I don’t know how to…
I don’t know anything about…
I am not sure I know how to…
(I am afraid) I cannot cope (with)…
I would not know where to begin or start…
I don’t think I have experience or ability to…
Sorry, I can’t do it.
I’m incapable of doing it.
I don’t think i have ability
I’m not sure i can
I won’t be able to
I can’t / couldn’t do it
Jawaban: A. Expressing capability / incapability
- Although my father is now 75 years old, he still has the capability of driving car well.
- He is still capable of driving car well.
- The situation is capable of improvement
- They think I have got the qualifications needed for the job
- Aldy is able to draw anything perfectly
- I am capable of doing it
- I'm able to......
- I have the ability to do it
- I'm good at .... (noun)
- i can / could do it
- I don't have the capability of doing the assignment
- I'm not sure i'm capable of doing it
- I'm not capable of doing it
- I am not able to......
- Idon't think i have ability
- I'm not sure i can
- I won't be able to
- I can't / couldn't do it
Asking for capability / ability
- Do you think you are capable of.....?
- Have you got the capability of ( v-ing )...?
- Are you capable to....?
- Are you able to... ?
- Can / Could you ......?
14. contoh dialog expressing capability
i think you can do it
you look so beautiful
i think you can make something
greattt !!!
15. contoh dialog capability
Helen : Can we have a talk?
Diana : Yes. What's up?
Helen : I'm gonna tell you that you're chosen to be our representative to join Indonesia-Australia Students Exchange.
Diana : Really. Who said that?
Helen : Our English teacher, Mr. Robert.
Diana : Thanks for telling. Do you think I'm capable enough?
Helen : I think so. Your English is good. And, you always win the best student in our school. I thought you are capable to be our representative.
Diana : Thank you. I hope I can do my best.
Helen : So do I. Don't forget to bring me a special gift from there.
Diana : Don't worry.
16. contoh 10 kalimat capability atau incapability tentang ibu
1.Linda: Mom, are you making dinner? I want to help you.
Mother: Yes, Honey. Do you know how to cook rice?
Linda: I don’t know, Mom. Can you tell me?
Mother: Okay.
2.Tiara can not ride a bicycle. = Tiara tidak bisa naik sepeda.
Mother can’t run fast = Ibu tidak bisa berlari cepat
A penguin can’t fly. = Seekor penguin tidak bisa terbang
17. Buatkan percakapan bahasa inggris exspession of capability and incapability yang singkat
Winna : Can we have a talk?
Wanda : Yes. What's up?
Winna : I'm gonna tell you that you're chosen to be our representative to join Indonesia - Australia students Exchange
Wanda : Really. Who said that?
Winna : Our English teacher, Mr. Robert
Wanda : Thank's for telling. Do you think I'm capable enough?
Winna : I think so. Your English is good. And, you always win the best student in our school. I thought you are capable to be our representative
Wanda : Thank you. I hope I can do my best
Winna : So do I. Don't forget to bring me a special gift from there
Wanda : Don't worry
18. are you able to make this doughnut recipe ? capability: incapability
capability: i can do it
incapability: i'm not sure i can
19. 1. Asking for capability 2. Showing capability 3. Showing incapabilitytolong bantu kak
untuk no 1: can you explain me about the process of extraction in laboratory
2: yes, no problem atau yes, i can malam let me handle it
3:i don't think i can i have never done it before
20. Contoh dialog yang memuat willingness dan capability
Anton : Hi Tony , How are you ?
Tony : I am fine , what are you doing here ?
Anton : I will help my mother to prepair my party
Tony : Party ?
Anton : yes , my birth day party
Tony : Oh i forget , tomorrow you will birthday
Anton : Um , Will you come to my birth day party ?
Tony : Of Course , i will come with my girlfriend
Anton : Thank's you're my best friend
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