How To Use Washing Machine Procedure Text
Write down a text procedure of : - how to make pineapple jam, - how to cook fried rice, - how to operate washing machine. Choose only one! *
1. Write down a text procedure of : - how to make pineapple jam, - how to cook fried rice, - how to operate washing machine. Choose only one! *
how to operate washing machine:
- first, plug in the cord of the washing machine
- second, load in the clothes into the washing machine
- then, put in the soap in the soap container
- after that, close the lid of washing machine
- then, set the settings to your needs
- Lastly, press start.
How to Cook Fried Rice
-2 cups of cooked rice
-5 chilies or more (depends on your spicy level)
-1 clove of garlic
-2 onions
-2 tablespoons of butter
-1 egg, slightly beaten
-Soy sauce
>Steps of cooking fried rice:
1) First, puree the garlic, onion, and chilies with the help of pestle, or you can use blender as an alternative way.
2) Next, heat the butter on frying pan and wait for a while until it’s melted.
3) Then, pour the puree seasoning and stir-fry.
4) After that, add the slightly beaten egg and mix it well.
5) Next, add salt and soy sauce.
Pour the cooked rice and mix them well.
6) Check the taste whether it’s tasty enough or not, add salt if it’s less salty.
7) Finally, the simple fried rice is ready to serve.
2. procedure text how to use iron
How to Iron a Shirt
What you need to press a shirt are iron board, iron cover, iron, hanger, needle, thread, splint, button, handkerchief, sprayer, and dry-mat foot The Steps of Pressing Shirt
1. Use protector for safety
2. Plug in the electricity
3. Choose the suitable temperature for the clothes material
4. Make wet the 100% cotton clothes if it is necessary
5. Start to iron the shirt from the collar, sleeve then body
6. Iron by following line if there is a fold
7. After completely done, hang the shirt
8. Check the result and do it again if it is necessary
9. After completely ironing, put back the equipments and chemicals
10. And don’t forget, clean working area
3. procedure text, how to use Earphone
grab the earphones plug the earphones on hp in-ear earphones, attach, select desired through hp yg music to earphones, and listen to the songs/music from earp hone him the answer. .
4. Berikan contoh text procedure"How to use the juicer "
First, make sure the blender is properly installed, clean and in good condition. You can pretty much eyeball this one if it looks good, it’s probably safe to be used.Second, after the blender is ready, plug the cable into electricity.Then, put the materials that we have prepared to the blender. Such as; apples, oranges, avocados, watermelon, and tomatoes. After all the ingredients are in the blender, add a little of water into the blender to make it easier for mixing.Close the lid and hold the cover tightly with your hands so that the materials do not get out the blender. Select and press the button located on the holder speed blender. Use a blender at medium speed so that the juice tasted better. If the blenders’ knife does not run well, check the blender and the holder whether it is putAfter a while, turn off the blender to add milk and ice into the juice and then turn it on again. After that, turn off the blender by pressing the off button and pour the juice into a large glass. Stir again using a spoon.Finally, clean the blender by washing it slowly. To be more clean, release the first blade, with the tube of the blender. Then wipe with a soft cloth so it will not damage the surface of the tube. *Never wash the holder of your blender!
5. contoh procedure text about how to use contact lens
me pake contact lens jd coba ya...
1) get the liquid cleaner and soak both of your contact lens
2) remember to wash ur hands bc you want to keep it clean
3) take out the contact lens with your right hand,index finger, put slowly, don't push then you're done
6. buatlah procedure text tentang " how to use " dengan menggunakan b.inggris
how to use alfalink
-first, we must click turn on
- after that, we can use the alfalink to translate english, or we can play game, listening music, painting, or we can studying with it.
-after we finished, we must click turn off to save the battery
please click thank you
7. tolong buatin procedure text how to use handphone dengan singkat
Did you just bought a new cell phone? Wow, That's great, congratulation. Now follow this following instruction in order to safely start your phone for the first time.
1.Find and make sure that you have located the power button. For smartphone, usually the power button is located at the right side or top side of the phone, sometimes it can also be located at the left side.
2. Press the power button for 2-3 seconds until you
feel the phone vibrated, and then release the power
3.Wait for the booting process (the process of turning on the device) until your phone is showing the home screen.
4.At this moment, you have successfully started your phone for the first time.
8. 7. What is the text about?a. How to wash manually.b. The procedure of using a washingmachine.c. The description of a washing machine.d. The ways to drain the water out of thewashing machine
text nya mana??
sertakan text
jika ingin bertanya tolong yg lengkap agar tdk salah9. arti how to operate the washing machine
cara mengoperasikan mesin cuci
cara mengoperasikan mesin cuci
10. producer text how to operator washing machine cari macam macam nya
Text: "Hey, do you know how to operate this washing machine? Do they have different types?"
11. make one procedure text of " How to use face masker " !
1. Clean your face first using a cleanser or facial wash.
2. Use a scrub to remove dead skin cells on the face. We recommend that you choose the scrub format that you like best
3. Apply a mask to the entire face and neck, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips because this area tends to be more sensitive.
4. Clean with a warm towel, so that the mask is lifted perfectly then wash and rinse with water.
5. The final stage, use a toner to add freshness and summarize the pores, before using a morning or night moisturizer.
Penjelasan: Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya, semoga membantu
12. procedure text tentang how to use iron
How to use an iron
1.plug the iron into the electricity source
2.then turn the heater on
3.wait 5 minutes
4.use it!
How to Iron a Shirt
What you need to press a shirt are iron board, iron cover, iron, hanger, needle, thread, splint, button, handkerchief, sprayer, and dry-mat foot The Steps of Pressing Shirt
1. Use protector for safety
2. Plug in the electricity
3. Choose the suitable temperature for the clothes material
4. Make wet the 100% cotton clothes if it is necessary
5. Start to iron the shirt from the collar, sleeve then body
6. Iron by following line if there is a fold
7. After completely done, hang the shirt
8. Check the result and do it again if it is necessary
9. After completely ironing, put back the equipments and chemicals
10. And don’t forget, clean working area
13. Procedure text how to use lah tolong! Lagi buntu nih otak
ou need :
A digital cameraAn object (a friends or something that you can find)
Follow the steps below to make pictures :
Hold up the camera andcenter the object in the LCD Move closer or use the zoom controlfor the result you wantWhen you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter halfway. it is very important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations.A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to goPress shutter all the way down. it may be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is more extreme sunlight of to conserve battery. the glare from the LCD does not work well with more bright light.procedure text how to use.. ini perintah nya di artikan atw bagaimana ya?? jika di artikan.. arti nya adalah cara menggunakan prosedur teks..
14. how to use washing machine material and steps,how to play hide and seekjawab sekarang ya please!!!mau dikumpul besok
Cara menggunakan mesin cuci (washing machine) dalam bahasa Inggris adalah pertama-tama kita harus mengidentifikasi material dan juga steps/method dalam aktivitas ini, sehingga langkah-langkah tersebut dapat diuraikan kemudian menjadi sebuah procedural text.
Berikut adalah pembahasannya.
PembahasanHow to use washing machine
1. Clothes
2. Detergent powder
3. Washing machine
4. Fabric softener (optional)
1. Add your dirty clothes and detergent to the drum of the machine.
2. Choose the right washing speed/cycle
3. Set the water temperature, preferably cool.
4. Press the ON button.
5. Take off all the washed clothes from the machine once it’s done.
How to play hide and seek
1. Players/Children
2. Space for hiding
1. Choose one player to close his/her eyes for several seconds, usually counting to 100. This player called seeker.
2. Other players hide themselves as soon as possible.
3. Seeker opens his/her eyes and try to find other players.
4. The first player found will be the next seeker, and the last to be found is the winner.
Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang procedural text:
Generic structure
How to write a letter
____________________________________Detil JawabanKelas : SMA
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Reading
Kata kunci : Procedural text
Kode : 11.5.1
15. arti how to turn washing machine
kalo turn on = bagaimana cara menyalakan mesin cuci
kalo turn off = bagaimana cara mematikan mesin cuci
16. procedure text how to use vacuum cleaner step by step
1. Examine the area of the vacuum where it deposits dirt. In older vacuums, this is a bag. In new ones it is often a removable and reusable canister. If the bag is full, you need to change it; if it is a reusable container it should be emptied as often as possible. If the deposit area is full the vacuum won't be able to pick up dirt effectively. 2. Check the vacuum's height. Most vacuums have an adjustable indicator for carpets of various lengths. If your vacuum has one, make sure it is set to the appropriate length for your carpet. If it is set too high it won't have enough suction and if it is set to low it won't have enough airflow. 3. Move all of the smaller items out of the vacuum's way. Even if you don't plan to move the furniture when you vacuum, such as ottomans and coffee tables, you can remove the smaller items easily. 4. Turn the vacuum on and push the vacuum forward and backwards over your carpet, in slow, even strokes. If you move the vacuum too quickly it won't pick up dirt as well. 5. Use the vacuum's attachments such as the simple hose with exchangeable ends, to clean corners and under the edges of furniture. Most vacuums have a series of attachments for these sorts of jobs. It is a good idea to do this extra bit of cleaning so the normal airflow of your room doesn't push unwanted dirt into your newly cleaned areas.
17. procedure text how to use ATM card
produce text how to use atm card=menghasilkan teks cara menggunakan kartu atm
18. buatlah procedure text degan tema HOW TO USE A RADIO
1.Plug the radio cable into the socket
2.Then,turn on the radio by turning the knob
3.After that,pull on the antenna
4.Next,turn the channel knob to search for radio channels
5.and then,udjust the antenna until the sound is clear
6.Finally,udjust the volume to your liking
Semoga membantu(⌒▽⌒)
19. Tolong procedure text how to use dengan bahan yang mudah
coba aja how to use handphone How to make a cup of coffee
Material and Ingredients:
2 spoons of sugara cuphot water (sufficiently)one spoon of coffee powdera spoonProcedure:
- first you must prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, one
spoon ofcoffee powder, a spoon.
- then put one spoon of coffee powder into the cup
- Then pour some hot water into the cup
- Next add 2 spoons of sugar into a cup of coffee
- Finally stir it well and the hot coffee is ready to drink
Semoga bermanfaat :)
20. hou to use a washing machine
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