Mendeskripsikan Handphone Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mendeskripsikan Handphone Dalam Bahasa Inggris

deskripsi tentang handphone singkat dalam bahasa inggris​

1. deskripsi tentang handphone singkat dalam bahasa inggris​


My new handphone is cool. The colour is silver. My father buy my new phone in my birthday. This phone is the most expensive of all, and i like it

Cell phone or cell phone (abbreviated as cellphone) or cellphone (abbreviated as HP) is an electronic telecommunications device that has the same basic capabilities as a conventional fixed line telephone, but can be carried anywhere.

semoga membantu jadiin jawaban terbaik yah:)

2. mendeskripsikan handphone dalam bahasa inggris bersama terjemahannya

Jawabanhandphone It's a very important thing for everyone, cause we can use it for everything. We can use for talking with someone who have a long distance from us.

My handphone color is white. It has a 5 inch screen. The width is about 5 cm and the thick is no more than 1 cm. This is the latest product from Samsung.

with handphone we also can use it for sending message, listening to the music, search any information in Mr.Google, playing games, take a self camera, record sound, and so on. It shape is not big, but it has so many fungtion.

 That's why everyone need it. ^_^

Simak lebih lanjut di -


3. buatlah teks deskripsi bahasa inggris tentang handphone


handphone It's a very important thing for everyone, cause we can use it for everything. We can use for talking with someone who have a long distance from us.
My handphone color is white. It has a 5 inch screen. The width is about 5 cm and the thick is no more than 1 cm. This is the latest product from Samsung.
with handphone we also can use it for sending message, listening to the music, search any information in Mr.Google, playing games, take a self camera, record sound, and so on. It shape is not big, but it has so many fungtion.
 That's why everyone need it. ^_^

4. bahasa inggrisnya "saya mau menitip handphone saya"

i want my phone of you
semoga membantu ^_^

5. Bagaimana cara menggunakan handphone dalam bahasa inggris

how to use mobile phones

6. buat lah teks advertisement bahasa inggris tentang handphone


Ada Flash

AdaFlash, Low price smartphone with High Quality


GHz Quad-Core Dragon
4-inch screen
13MP camera + 5MP front camera
Dual SIM card
Only Rp 1.999.99,00
ADA Flash, Explore Beyond Limits !!

Contoh advertisement Handphone Artinya:


Ada Flash, smartphone dengan harga murah berkualitas tinggi
GHz Quad-Core Dragon
Layar 4 inci
13MP kamera + 5MP kamera depan
Dua kartu SIM
Hanya Rp 1.999.999,00

Ada Flash, Menjelajah Tanpa Batas !!

7. Apa bahasa Inggrisnya aku punya dan sering memainkan handphone???


I have a handphone and i always play it




I have and often play handphone

semoga membantu ya..

tolong jadikan jawaban aku terbaik ya.

8. mendeskripsi handphone dengan letak tombolnya dan kegunaannya dalam bahasa inggris

smartphone isn's useful for somepeople that no need smartphone, for me use hp just waste time #sorrymygrammar

9. Tolong identifikasi dan deskripsikan handphone dalam bahasa inggriss......

phone is a communication tool that is becoming increasingly sophisticated. General shape is a square. many things that can go through this thing. This object can be placed in the pocket and easy to carry anywhere.

*maaf kalo ada yang kurang tepat*

10. Bahasa inggris Hp selain handphone???

Bahasa inggris Hp selain handphone adalh cell phonesmartphone,iphone kayaknya itu.... tebak tebak aja sih..

11. Cara Menghidupkan Handphone Dalam Bahasa inggris

1. First Press The On Button
2. Press The Button In 5 Second
3.  Than Just Wait
#GoodLuck:D #SmogaMembantu:)The way to revive handphone

12. Bahasa inggris saya membeli handphone baru


I bought a new cellphone

13. Apakah bahasa Inggrisnya bermain handphone

Bermain handphone dalam bahasa inggris 
   > Playing Handphone <

kenapa menggunakan playing ? kok bukan play saja ?

dalam konteks tersebut , berarti kejadian yang sedang berlangsung atau dalam tatabahasa inggris sring disebut " Present Continous Tense "

contoh kalimat yang menggunakan " playing handphone "

> Azmil is playing handphone now .

semoga terbantu*Kelas : V
Pelajaran : bahasa Inggris
Kategori : daily activities
Kata kunci : playing, gerund, present participle, present continuous

Bahasa Inggris bermain handphone adalah playing handphone.

Playing handphone pada kalimat ini berbentuk present participle (v-ing) karena bukan kalimat lengkap.
Noun phrase sejenis seperti dengan playing handphone adalah
- playing guitar (bermain guitar, dalam artian bermain alat musik)
- playing badminton (bermain bulutangkis, dalam artian melakukan aktivitas olahraga)
- playing doll (bermain boneka, dalam artian bermain dengan permainan)
contoh kalimat : playing chess is very interesting (kata playing di sini berbentuk gerund). Her hobby is playing handphone. (Kata playing di sini pun berbentuk gerund, bukan present continuous tense). She is playing hide and seek now (kata playing di sini berbentuk present continuous karena adanya adverb of time 'now').

14. bahasa inggrisnya minta nomot handphone

can i have your phone number?can you give me your phone number?

15. handphone itu bahasa inggris atau indonesia? ​

bahasa inggris.

bahasa indonesianya telepon genggam.


handphone berasal dari bahasa inggris yang artinya telepon genggam. jika dibuat menjadi bahasa indonesia biasanya disingkat menjadi kata HP.

16. Bahasa inggrisnya main handphone

play handphone
jangan lupa di like(main)playing handphone

17. Apa bahasai inggrisnya dilarang membawa handphone

Do not bring handphoneforbiddeng to bring mobile phones

18. promosi handphone dalam bahasa inggris

քʀօʍօtɨօռ ɦaռɖքɦօռɛ,ҡʟʟʟ......promotion handphone dalam bahasa inggrisnya

19. pengertian handphone dalam bahasa inggris​


A mobile phone is a wireless handheld device that allows users to make and receive calls and to send text messages, among other features. The earliest generation of mobile phones could only make and receive calls. Today’s mobile phones, however, are packed with many additional features, such as web browsers, games, cameras, video players and even navigational systems.  A mobile phone may also be known as a cellular phone or simply a cell phone.

20. deskripsi simple pastense bahasa inggris benda kesayangan handphone

ape a egbgjmbxn......

Video Terkait

Mendeskripsikan Handphone Dalam Bahasa Inggris Mendeskripsikan Handphone Dalam Bahasa Inggris Reviewed by Derby on March 01, 2023 Rating: 5

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