Contoh Percakapan Tentang Rencana Setelah Lulus Sma
tolong buatin percakapan bahasa inggris tentang rencana setelah lulus SMA
1. tolong buatin percakapan bahasa inggris tentang rencana setelah lulus SMA
Fira: Hallo del
Dela : Hy Fir. How are you?
Fira : Oh, i'm fine. And you?
Dela : I'm fine. By the way, if you graduate, is you plan worked?
Fira : Maybe, but accually I want school again. Mmm, and you?
Dela : Oh, I want help my mom work.
Fira : Succes ya Del.
Dela : Yes, thankyou
Fira : You're wellcome
2. pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang biasa ditanya dalam percakapan rencana lulus sma menggunakan bahasa inggris
1.if your graduate,do you plan to work?
2.if you graduate,are you going to study where?
3. tolong dong buatin percakapan tentang rencana setelah lulus dari SMA minimal 4 orang . tlg dong cepat:)
Guru : Andi sini kamu maju ke depan , kamu kalau lulus ingin ke mana ? Andi : ya setelah saya lulus nanti saya ingin ke penerbangan Guru : Murid murid siapa yang ingin bercita cita seperti andi ? Ali : Saya bu (sambil mengangkat tangan) Guru : kenapa kamu ingin ke penerbangan , Alh ? Ali : karena saya ingin seperti ayah saya yang menjadi pilot . Guru : ya , bagus cita cita mu itu , Rudy kamu maju kesini . Rudy : ya , bu... Guru : Rudy setelah lulus kamu ingin kemana ? Rudy : Saya ingin menjadi ahli surga Guru : Ahli surga kamu ingin menjadi ustad ya rudy Rudy : ya tepat itu bu saya mau jadi ustad Guru : Anak anak , cita cita kalian semuanya bagus bagus Murid Murid : ya bu...!(secara serentak)Teacher: Andi here you come forward, if you want to pass where?
Andi: yes after my graduation I want to s
Teacher: Students aspiring student who wants to dream like andi?
Ali: I bu (raising hand)
Teacher: Why do you want to flight, Alh?
Ali: because I want to be like my father who became a pilot.
Teacher: Yes, it's good your future goals, you Rudy forward here.
Rudy: yes, bu ...
Teacher: Rudy after graduation you want to go?
Rudy: I want to become proficient paradise
Teacher: Expert paradise you want to be a cleric yes rudy
Rudy: yeah right it bu I want to be a cleric
Teacher: Children, your future goals are all nice nice Pupil Pupil: yes ma'am ...! (In unison)
4. Bantuin bikinin pidato singkat pake bahasa inggris mengenai rencana setelah lulus sma.
Mungkin kah ini?
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
With all due respect to the honorable Mr. Principal, to the honorable homeroom teachers and other teachers as well as to my dearest friends.
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to the Allah Swt the One and Almighty because of His grace and blessing upon us so that on this good occasion today we can still gather and meet up altogether at this blissful place in the best of our health.
Shalawat and salam may always be upon our adoration and shining model, Prophet Muhammad Saw, upon all of his companions, friends, families, and not forget all of us as his followers, who will insya Allah always be obedient to his teachings.
To all the honorable audience,
Allow me on the behalf of all of my friends to convey a few words and messages regarding this farewell ceremony.
Time flies, it has been 3 years going since our first time to be in this school. Tough, happy, we have experienced and gone through together. And today is the top-end of our days. We will be taking a leave each other and there will be no more togetherness and cohesiveness we will find in the future.
Every single of beautiful story we had here will only be a piece of memories in the future. One day later we will definitely be missing beautiful times like this.
Not forget, we are really thankful to all of the teachers of this school for teaching us the meaning of struggle that finally have brought us to this gateway that leads us to the real life. Without them, we would be nothing. There a lot of things they have taught us, even though sometimes we felt tired, fed up, bored, yet with all of their hearts and patience they stayed teaching and guiding us. To my friends, I wish that this farewell and leaving could somehow tighten our solidarity and I hope this leaving will not be the end of everything.
Go all-out for your goals, My Friends! So that you can get a better living in the future. I wish everything we had in here all this time could be some knowledge that Insya Allah would become all useful and all-to-the good for the sake of people, nation, and religion, and the most important is for our own selves. Aamiin.
I think that’s all I could convey to everyone here. Please, forgive me for the more and less and all of mistakes on my words because mistakes come from human while superiorities come from Allah Swt. Thank you for the attention.
Wabilahitaufik walhidayah wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb
5. tolong dong buatin dialog tentang rencana setelah lulus SMA untuk 2 orang, minimal 6 percakapan...pleassss!
Beby : helo nia, ngomong-ngomong kamu mau lanjut sekolah dimana?
nia : enggak tau nih, soalnya orang tua ku tak punya biaya. mungkin aku kerja dulu baru lanjut untuk kuliah
Beby : oh.. gitu. kamu emang mau kerja apa?
nia : apa aja yang penting halal dan bisa membantu orang tua. kalo kamu mau lanjut sekolah dimana?
beby : sepertinya di UGM ya jurusan kedokteran. doain aku ya :)
nia: iya,aku berdoa kamu bisa sukses
X : haii y , bagaimana menurutmu UN nanti ? apakah akan sulit ?
Y : haii x , hhmm berpikir positif sajalah . yang penting kita berusaha
X : iya . Oh iya,jika lulus nanti kamu akan merencanakan apa untuk kedepannya?
Y : wah , rencananya aku akan kuliah di universitas yang aku rencanakan
X : kita sama . aku juga merencanakan untuk masuk ke universitas .
Y : kita berdoa saja agar kita diberi kelancaran agar bisa mencapai target
X : yaa betul . semoga tercapai yaa . amiin
Y : yaa .. amiin
6. Percakapan tentang planing setelah lulus SMA
X : "Hey, Y! We're just graduated from high school. So, what will you do next? Will you continue studying? Or you're going to find a job immediately, perhaps?"
Y : "Well, I decide to go to an university first before working. How about you?"
X : "So do I. Which university would you go to?"
Y : "Oxford University sounds great. I hope I can go there"
X : "Oxford? I wanna go there, too! I hope we can be together again."
Y : "Haha, I hope so. Which department would you choose, X?"
X : "Science department, definitely! I'll just continue in science like when I was in SMA. That because I wanna be a doctor. What about you?"
Y : "I think I'll choose economic department. It has been so long I'm dreaming to be an accountant."
X : "It's cool. Wish you luck and reach that job."
Y : "Wish you luck, too"
Maaf kak, berantakan banget inii. Ya, semoga bisa ngebantu lah :)
jawab: awalnya greetings, lalu nanya kabar, lalu mulai nanya nanya "what are you going to do after you graduated?" lalu ya mulai nanya sini nanya sana lalu jawab. lalu good bye..
7. conversatiin tentang rencana setelah lulus SMA
Cintya : Hello Rina,how are you?
Rina : hello,i'm about you?
Chintya : i'm fine too
Rina : btw,we're going to celebrate our you have a plan after you graduate
from this senior high school?
Chintya : well,i want to be an i will study at university of Indonesia.Then,how about you?
Rina : Wow!i will study in there too...but i will study for math.
Chintya : yeay,good luck for you!
Rina : yeah,you too dear!-nyari universitas apa, berdoa agar msuk kesana, pilih jurusan apa, tekun dalam jurusan itu
-cari kerja dimana, pilih tempat yang tepat tekun dalam pekerjaan
8. Dialog tentang rencana setelah lulus SMA
A: after graduation, you will how?
B: i will continue my school
A: yes, i think so
B: then about you?
A: i would go school, become a teacher, you?
B: great idea, i would be a doctor serving every patient! help recover from illness. glorious dream!
A: thank you! you too:) hopefully meet you again.
B: i can not wait!
9. percakapan tolong buatkan percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang rencana setelah lulus SMP minimal 10 percakapan.terimakasih...)
dari sebelah semoga membantu
10. Tolong buat contoh Rencana untuk masa depan setelah lulus SMA+langka pertama untuk mewujudkan masa depan itu
1. kuliah ( dengan jurusan yang di sukai dan gantung cita cita atau pekerjaan tetap di masa depan atau sesuai bidang masing masing)
2. bekerja dengan pekerjaan halal ( untuk mengurangi biaya yang akan di tanggung orang tua)
3. menjadi singgle ( supaya bisa fokus belajar) sibukkan diri dengan organisasi organisasi di kampus
4. setelah lulus buat orang tua bahagia dengan hasil jeri payah uang sendiri, dan juga menunjukkan prestasi yang di raih
5. buat orangtua bangga.
6. bekerja dengan pekerjaan yang di sukai
7. setelah mapan baru nikah
11. contoh percakapan bahasa inggris untuk 2 orang mengenai rencana setelah lulus SD dan ingin melanjutkan ke SMP
(A) : Hey B ! What is your plan after Elementary School graduation?
(B) : Hmm, i think i will go to SMPN 2 junior high school. What about you?
(A) : Wow, i will go to that junior high school too! Then we will meet again in junior high school !
(B) : Wow, really? Good to hear that, A. Then how about buying some note books first? For the preparation.
(A) : okay then, let's go buy some note books.
Amalia: Hey, to which junior high school would you like to go after you've graduated from elementary school?
Bobby: I'd like to go to State Junior High School 1!
Amalia: Wow, that's awesome! I want to go there as well! Let's both do our best!
Bobby: I agree, let's study hard so that we can get high grades!
(nama dan pilihan bisa diganti, semoga bermanfaat! ♫)
12. Tolong dong buatin dialog rencana setelah lulus sma untuk 2 orang, minimal 6 percakapan bahasa indonesia dan inggris
logan : hey Clark, what are you doing?
clark : nothing, i'm just sit here and thinking
logan : do you want going to beach with me next week?
Clark : hmm.... with your car?
logan : of course
Clark : ok, i will be there
logan : ok, i will wait for you
udah ni... tapi cuma satu aja bisa gw buat
maaf ya
13. bwtlah teks dialog tentang rencana setelah lulus di sma,thankks.
A:Bila,after graduate from SHS,do you want to continue at University? B:No,i want to work and i want to help my parents seek the money A:Oh,like that B:Ya
14. percakapan bahasa Inggris 2 orang tentang rencana setelah lulus SMP minimal 10 percakapan dan terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.Terima kasih..)
A : Good morning, B.
B : Good morning too, A.
A : After graduating from elementary school, which junior high school do you want to go to?
B : I want to enter junior high school X.
A : Wow that's a good choice.
B : And where do you want to go?
A : I want to enter junior high school Y.
B : Really? there is a school filled with smart people.
A : Yes, I will try to be smarter.
B : I hope you can achieve your dream.
A & B = diganti nama orang
X & Y = diganti nama sekolah (atau gak usah)
15. karangan tentang rencana setelah lulus sma
Senangnya sudah lulus SMA!
Aku telah membentuk rencana bahwa aju tak akan kuliah.Aku ingin membantu ibu di restaurantnya.
16. contoh dialog bahasa inggris tentang rencana setelah lulus sma
A : Hey bro , what's your next plan after the graduation ?
B : Nah , i don't know , how 'bout you ?
A : Me ? I think i'll go to University in another country
B : Hmm , sounds good . But you need much money
A : Of course , so it's why i'm still looking for a part-time job . Saving money .
B : Great ! By the way , i need to go now , i just remembered to bring my sister's gift . Bye !
A : Bye !
17. Contoh contoh percakapan lulus sd dalam bahasa Inggris
I lulus school dasar (sd) and the you lulus kagak?
18. contoh kalimat ambisi setelah lulus sma
saya berambisi kalau saya lulus sma saya akan kerja di kapal pesiar dan menjadi orang kayasaya berambisi jika lulus saya akan membahagiakan orang tua saya
19. Rencana setelah lulus dari SMA ingin bekerja di pabrik industri
plan is when i graduate from high school i would like to work in a factory industry
20. tolong dong buatin dialog bahasa inggris tentang rencana setelah lulus SMA untuk 2 orang, minimal 6 percakapan...pleassss!
X: what are your plans after graduation?
Y: I'm probably going to work.
X: You do not go to college?
Y: no, I want to work right away.
X: when I graduated college last after new work.
Y: wah .. nice, are you sure? course.
A: after graduation, you will how?
B: i will continue my school
A: yes, i think so
B: then about you?
A: i would go school, become a teacher, you?
B: great idea, i would be a doctor serving every patient! help recover from illness. glorious dream!
A: thank you! you too:) hopefully meet you again.
B: i can not wait!
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