Contoh Kalimat Because Since As For As A Result Of

Contoh Kalimat Because Since As For As A Result Of

arti kata because, since , as, for, as a result of

Daftar Isi

1. arti kata because, since , as, for, as a result of

Jawaban :

: Karena , Sebab , Lantaran

: Sejak , Karena , Semenjak , Setelah , Sebab , Sesudah , Semula

: Sebagai , Karena , Ketika , Waktu , Betapa , Seperti ,Umpama

: Untuk , Bagi , Selama , Ke , Karena , Atas , Terhadap

As A Result Of
: Sebagai Akibat Dari

maaf jika salah
semoga membantuJawaban :
Because : Karena, sebab
Since : Sejak, semenjak, sejak itu
As : Sebagai, sama, sementara
For : Untuk, bagi, selama, kepada
As a result of : Sebagai hasil dari

Semoga membantu^^

2. cause and effect dan kata penghubung such as, because, because of, due to, since, for, as a result

Sebab dan akibat dan kata penghubung seperti, kerana, kerana, kerana, kerana, untuk, akibatnya

3. isilah dengan mata kata di bawah inisincebecauseas a resultassoconsequentlybecause ofdue tofortherefore​


since :22

because :19

as a result:23




because of:24

Penjelasan: Semoga memebantu

4. Write five sentences using " as, since, because, for"

As time goes by
Since I don't have you
Because I love you
I'm saving all my love for you

semuanya judul lagu.. 

5. perbedaan penggunaan because,because of,as dan since

Because = Karena
Because of = Karena dari itu
As = sebagai
Since = Sejak/SemenjakBecause = Karena
Because of= Karena itu
As = Sebagai
Since = Sejak atau Semenjak

6. Make a sentence for each using these connectors :1. Because/ for/ as/ since2. Because of/ due to/ tanks to3. So4. Therefore/ consequently/ as a result#tolong yahh yg serius aja maksih sebelumnya​

I love pizza because it's tastyI am pretty for my mother is tooI have been really sad as I failed my math testI liked chocolate since my grandmother used to make me chocolate cookiesI have depression due to school worksI arrived late because of the plane delayI have to drink coffee thanks to the bunch of tasks my boss gave earlierShe drank alcohol so she became drunkHe looked tipsy, therefore we brought him by my carAs a result of procrastination, all my tasks due tonight have not been done at all

7. buat kalimat cause and effect dengan kata:1.because2.since3.for4.as5.so6.there a result8.because of9.owing of10.due totolong di jawab besok di kumpul!Terimakasih saya kasih bintang 26​


1.Because of the storm, the ceremony was cancelled

2.Since its just the 2 of us, do you wanna see the movies?

3.Smoking too much is bad for your health

4.As my mom cooks, I will ckean the house

5.My sister dresses up so beautifully

6.The temperature in this room is so hot, there for I need to turn on the air conditioner

7.As a result of exercising, my father is very healthy

8.Because of this, the party was cancelled

9.He succesfully marketed the product owing to his communcation skills

10.Her bankruptcy was due to her poor money management skills.

Tolong dijadikan jawaban terbaik kak!

8. make sentences using the words or phrases given of 1. because 2. because of 3. due to 4. since 5. as a result of 6. as a result (mohon bantuannya)

1. Jane did not come to school today because she had an accident
2. She get E because of she never study
3. Tomorrow is holiday due to the education calendar
4. That building was established since 150years ago1. He is here because he want to help you
2. The reason why you failed, because of that problem
3. She can found you due to her tracking knowldege
4. They already here since 5 minutes ago
5. We are win in this competition as a result of our struggle
6. They always been practicing, and they won as a result

9. Membuat kalimat dengan cause dan effect conjunction1. Because of2. Due to3. Owing to4. Because5. For6. Since7. As8. As long as9. Now thatMasing-masing 2 kalimat

4. I like you because you are handsome

   I want to buy a new shirt because mine is so small

10. I cannot eat the seafood …… allergy. * Because Because of As Since Where as


i cannot eat seafood because my allergy


Because of


I cannot eat the seafood because of my allergy.

- Aku tidak bisa makan makanan laut karena alergiku.

11. Membuat kalimat dengan cause dan effect conjunction1. Because of2. Due to3. Owing to4. Because5. For6. Since7. As8. As long as9. Now thatMasing-masing 1 kalimat


Membuat kalimat dengan cause dan effect conjunction

1. Because of

Because of his beautiful voice, he becomes a very famous singer.

2. Due to  

Due to of her hard work and good personality, He is selected as the best entrepreneur

3. Owing to

Owing to his bad tamper, everyone hates him.

4. Because

I can't buy a new car because my money is not enough

5. For

He got a punishment from his teacher for he didn't do his homework

6. Since

Since Iqbal has been promoted as a manager so he always does his best in everything

7. As

As he is very rich, he can go around the world by private jet.

8. As long as

I don't care who you are as long as you love me.

9. Now that

Now Ammar lives far from his family that he can be an independent boy


Pengertian Cause and Effect

Cause adalah:

The reason or motive, for an action Why something happen Happen first

Effect adalah:

Result or conclusion of an action What happened Happens due to a cause

Jadi cause and effect biasa juga disebut dengan kalimat sebab-akibat atau kalimat kausalitas adalah kalimat yang dibangun dengan melibatkan tindakan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi dan hasil dari tindakan tersebut. Paling gampang ditandai dengan kata hubung yang menandakan sebab akibat.

Signal words of cause

Ketika kita bicara tentang cause maka kata- kata yang dapat kita gunakan adalah sebagai berikut:

Because  the reason for  On account of  Bring about  Give rise to  Created by  Contributed to  Led to  Due to  For this reason  Unless

Signal words of Effect

Ketika kita bicara tentang effect maka kata- kata yang dapat kita gunakan adalah sebagai berikut:

As a result  Then  Hence  For this reason Outcome  So  Consequently  Finally  Therefore  In order to

The sentence structure of cause and effect

Due to/Because of/owing to/Thanks to + noun

Because/Since/As/For/As a result of + subject + verb


Owing to her hard work and intelligence, we won the trophy. Thanks to Ammar and Ameera’s effective planning, the event went well Because of his hard work, he managed to get the best student award I have  a stomach ache because I ate too much food There was a lot of homework  and test, as a result most of the students were unhappy and couldn’t go anywhere during the weekend.  I don’t go to school because I am sick I am sleepy, so I don’t go to school He can not drive as he does not have license Since he was sick, the teacher allowed her to stay at home Now Iqbal has a new car that he can give a lift for his friends Since Ammar has much money so he can buy a new car for his parents  Since Ammira becomes a very famous singer so she is very busy every day  Ammar is such a very smart student that he can pass the test to enter in UI. Ammira has such a very beautiful voice that she becomes a very famous singer Iqbal is such a good man that I choose him as my husband.  


materi tentang cause and effect :



Kelas : 11

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris

Bab : 4

Kode:11 .5.4

Kata Kunci : cause and effect

12. His success ... his father's hard work(A)because(B)because of(C)since(D)therefore(E)as a result​



maaf kalo salah :v

13. Contoh because, since, as, for are followed by verb

1. I don't want to run because my legs hurt
2.we stay in this house since 2007
3. I attended the event as a guest
4. I gave this letter for my pen pal
5. I was given a new bag as a result of my efforts

Maaf klw slh

14. Tolong buatkan contoh kalimat as a result of dan as a consequence of

He became wiser as the result of an experience

She has lived in France, and as a consequence speaks French fluently.

His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.

15. buatlah kalimat conjungtiom dari 1.because 2.since 3.As 4. as a result of

I can't come to the event because there are important things

16. His friend is hospitalized_________ a car accident. a. becauseb. because ofc. as a resultd. since​


Temannya dirawat di rumah sakit_________ karena kecelakaan mobil. sebuah. karena B. karena C. hasil dari D. sejak


semoga membantu

mohon sekali,klo salah jangan report aku

17. buatlah kalimat meggunakan Because of , as a result of dan for, soBeserta artinya Mohon bantuannya

I went to bed early because of not feelimg well.
(Saya pergi tidur lebih awal karena merasa tidak sehat)
Emily failed her math test, as a result of her not studying.
(Emily gagal dalam ujian matematika, karena tidak belajar)
He is overweight,for he eats too many foods.
(Dia kelebihan berat badan, karena makan terlalu banyak)
He was very hungry, so he ate all the cake.
(Dia sangat lapar, jadi dia makan semua kue)

18. bisa tolong buatkan contoh kalimat sebab akibat atau because/as/since

i like that food because it so tasty.
they come as long i camei felt so sick, so i went to see a doctor.
because i felt so sick, i went to see a doctor.

19. Berikan 2 contoh kalimat dengan pola Since +subject+verb As +subject+verb For+ subject +verb As a result of+subject+verb

i haven't eat since yesterday
i will stay here for 2 weeks
this place is as beautiful as wonderland

20. Buatlah kalimat dengan menggunakan singalword berikut :Due to2 As a resultBecause of anBecauseOwing to nosince- Thanks toAs-As a consequense of us for a ona​


Gk bisa bahasa inggris


Kasih bintang ya we

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Contoh Kalimat Because Since As For As A Result Of Contoh Kalimat Because Since As For As A Result Of Reviewed by Derby on April 13, 2023 Rating: 5

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